I. On Marine Boilers.—By J. Dinnen, Esq., Assistant Engineer, Her Majesty’s
Dock-yard, Woolwich ........ 1
II. A Form of Steam Journal, with remarks on the necessity of keeping a proper
record of the operations of the engines in all steam vessels, and directions for
marking the Steam Journal, &c.—By T. Baldock, Lieut. R.N., K.T.S. . 31
III. On the Motion of Steam Vessels.—By P. W. Barlow, Esq., Civil Engineer 40
IV. Time and Traverse Table.—By Captain Robert Oliver, R.N. . . 78
V. Memoir of Her Majesty’s steam ship Medea, during a service of nearly four
years.—By T. Baldock, Lieut. R.N., K.T.S. .... 80
VI. On the Steam Boats of the United States of America.—By James Ren wick,
L.L.D., Professor of Natural Experimental Philosophy and Chemistry in
Columbia College, New York ....... 101
VII. On Paddle Wheels.—By Aristides A. Morn ay, Esq. . . . 117
VIII. On the Indicator.—By Joseph Glynn, Esq., C.E., F.R.S. . . 167
IX. Howard’s Method of Vaporisation . . . . . . 171
X. On the General Theory of the Steam Engine.—By the Editor . . 173
XI. Practical Rules for calculating the Steam Engine.—Do. . . . 205
XII. Index. By James Hann, Esq., of King’s College . . . 233