Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

The mechanism for opening and closing the steam passages consists of an 
eccentric piece k, fixed on the crank shaft, the action of which communicates 
a reciprocating motion to the rod i, which by a bent lever moves the connecting 
rod l, and lever m, that is fixed at one extremity of a spindle having a beveled 
wheel at the other; which works into another on the spindle n of the steam cock o, 
by which the steam is admitted from the steam pipe to the cylinder. The engine 
is worked by hand by means of the handle h. 
A pair of beveled wheels on the fly wheel shaft gives motion to the governor 
balls, and these raise or depress the piece marked p on the axis, which by its 
peculiar form acts on a lever, and retains the valve in the steam pipe at i] open for 
a longer or shorter time for the admission of steam according to the velocity of the 
engine, (see art. 547.) There is also an apparatus for working the throttle valve 
by the same governor. 
This engine is in a very compact form : it is however a little too complex, and 
its frame reminds one of an antiquated style of cabinet-work ; but the beauty of 
the Avorkmanship is unequalled, and is faithfully represented by Mr. Clement’s 
To proportion the parts of an engine of this kind, see art. 419—422. and the 
articles there referred to; and Table hi. (art. 664.) It is adapted for engines of 
from 2 to 30 horse power.

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