Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

This plate, which represents Kingston’s valves, is given by Mr. Dinnen as con 
nected with the subject of his valuable paper in the Appendix on steam boilers, and 
the following is his description, &c. 
a, Gun-metal pipe with conical base, passing through the ship’s bottom, with the 
conical part outwards and made even with the same. Inboard, the cover of the 
pipe (forming the gland or stuffing box and the nozle which joins to the stop 
cock of the blow-off pipe) is screwed on the upper end of the pipe, down to 
the ship’s floor, on to a chock of wood fitted thereon as requisite, in the manner 
of a screwed bolt and nut. 
b, The valve, fitted within the cone of the pipe and opening outwards, having a 
copper rod which passes through a stuffing box in the cover. A guard pro 
tects the valve beneath. 
c, Cover, which is screwed tightly on the pipe. 
d, Gland or stuffing box. 
e, Handle for lifting the valve. 
f Nozle, with a flanch for connecting the valve with the stop-cock of the blow-off 
g, Guard, extending across the base of the pipe, and having no guide spindle passing 
through it; for the object of allowing the valve to be pressed entirely on one 
side, thereby affording a more ready passage to any matters intruding into the 
pipe from the boilers. 
¿r, Planking of the ship’s bottom. 
m, Timbers of the ship’s floor. 
n, Chock, fitted on the timbers to accommodate the required length of the pipe. 
d, Gun-metal pipe, passing through the ship’s bottom. 
b\ The valve, having a guide spindle below. 
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