Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

shaft connected with the hot water cistern and cylinder casing, the ribs or webs of 
which are disposed in the direction of the strain : there are many more fanciful and 
pleasing forms, but certainly none so mechanical or so well adapted to the purpose. 
T, Injection pipe through side of vessel,—-y, bilge injection.—To be used in the event 
of the vessel leaking to any extent, in which case the river injection would be shut 
off, and the bilge one opened. This is an appendage which has till lately been over 
looked by other makers, but a very necessary one, as by such means about four 
gallons per horse power per minute might be withdrawn by injecting from the 
U is a longitudinal section of the boiler; V, the grate; and W, the flues; y, safety 
valves enclosed in safety pipe, and perfectly inaccessible to the engine-man for the 
purpose of applying extra weight to endanger the boiler. This description of valve 
was used by them as far back as 1814, in a vessel fitted on the Tyne, consequently 
three years previous to the examination before the Committee of the House of Com 
mons for some such precaution, h h, Blow-out pipes and cocks; i i i, feed pipes; k 
&c., hold-down bolts, occasionally cased with brass to prevent corrosion. 
This plate represents, with similar reference letters, a transverse section of the same 
splendid steamers, the Red Rover and City of Canterbury, shewing on the left the 
cylinder, and on the right the crank end of the engine, with the paddle wheels, main 
beams for support of paddles, stays, &c., &c,

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