Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

11, Blow valves. 
K K, Hot water cistern. 
L L, Feed pumps, dotted. 
M, Condenser. 
N, Handle of injection cock. 
oooo, Holding down bolts, dotted. 
These three plates represent a plan, side elevation, and transverse section of the 
steam engine of her Majesty’s steam frigate Phoenix; they also describe the engines 
of the Medea, Rhadamanthe, and Salamander, the machinery of these four vessels 
being identical, and all manufactured by Messrs. Maudslay, Sons, and Field. Plate 
XXIII. gives a more detailed representation of the boilers of these vessels, and may be 
referred to for additional information. 
The general arrangement of these engines is on the ordinary side beam construc 
tion ; all the working part, except the beam, of wrought iron; metallic piston ; and the 
crank pins are so arranged that the wheels may be readily disconnected for sailing. 
The boilers are of iron, in two independent parts, and furnished with valves so 
contrived that they may be used either separately or both together. 
The wheels are of the ordinary construction, except those of the Medea, which are 
Morgan’s; some of the others have had cycloidal boards applied to the original 
The proportions of these engines are as follows:— 
The nominal power is .... 110 each, or 220 H. P. collectively. 
Diameter of cylinder 55^ inches. 
Length of stroke ..... 5 feet. 
Diameter of wheels 21 feet. 8 ft. 6 in. wide. 
The Medea, Morgan’s . . . . 24 feet. 5 ft. 8 in. „ 
Length of engine room . . . . 58 feet. 
The tonnage of the Phoenix, Rhadamanthe, and Salamander is about 800 tons; that 
of the Medea being 807 tons. The}?- carry two heavy traversing guns, 10 calibre, 
which throw an 84 pound shot; one of these guns is placed in the bow and one at 
the stem; below they carry four 18 pounder carronades, with provisions for 120 men. 
They can stow from 200 to 300 tons of coal at a draught of water of 14 feet. 
The consumption of coal being 15 tons per day, they can steam from 15 to 20 
The scale of the drawings is £ of an inch to the foot.

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