Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

Davy, C. {Plates 64, 65, 66, 67 A, 
67 B) 
Dead plate 
D slide . 
Density of steam . 
16, 83 
Desaguliers, J. T. . 
Dickinson’s and Bramah’s engine 
Dinnen, J., assistant engineer, Woolwich 
Dock-yard, on marine boilers 
App. 1 
Ditchburn, T. J., {Plates of the Red Rover, 
30, 31, 32) 
Don Juan, engines of, Peninsula Company 
{Plate 41) . . 368 
Double acting engine . 27, 185, 195 
for mines . 276 
Drainage of mines . . 275 
Dupin, Baron . . .29 
total extent of steam power 
applied in Great Britain estimafed by 46 
Eccentric motion . . . 225 
practical rule for App. 213 
Edward Anthony, United States’ boat en 
gine {Plate 115) 
Edelcrantz . . 141, 209 
Eduction pipe . . .11 
Effect, useful, how to measure . 269 
Elastic fluids and vapours, motion of . 87 
Elastic force of vapours . . 56—89 
separated from the 
liquids from which they were generated 82 
of steam or vapour produced by 
increased temperature does not follow 
the same law, when it is not in contact 
with the fluid from which it is gene- 
rated, as when in contact 
. 58, 82 
of steam 
. 56, 89 
rules for 
. 58, 59 
Electric fluid 
Emerson, William . 
20, 226, 284 
Engine, Amonton’s 
. 8, 16 
— atmospheric 
. 9, 10 
. 40, 189 
Engine, double cylinder expansive . 181 
27, 29, 33, 43, 167, 177, 194, 198 
fire . . .25 
Hornblower’s . . 29 
Newcomen’s . 10, 11, 23 
noncondensing . 173, 174 
Papin’s . . .. 8 
portable . . .22 
rotary . 27, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40 
Savery’s . 5, 6, 17, 24, 36, 37 
Stephensons’ patent locomotive 407—469 
water-commanding . . 2 
Watt’s . . 25, 26, 27, 28 
Woolf’s . . . 94, 237 
Worcester’s, Marquis of . 3 
Eolipile . . . . 1, 2 
Equalization of the motion of engines . 256 
by a fly . . ibid 
by counter weights . 260 
Equilibrium of heat . . 47 
Ether, sulphuric . . .75 
latent heat of . . 54, 55 
elastic force of . 75 
Evans, Oliver . . 43, 131, 179 
Expanding power of steam . 152, 226 
Expansive engine . 
27, 29, 33, 43, 167, 177, 194, 198 
double cylinder . . 181 
Experiments, Arsberger’s, on high pressure 
steam . . .71 
Cagniard de la Tour’s on ether 75 
Dalton’s on the force of steam 66 
on ether . . 76 
Macneill’s on canals App. 200, 201 
Payne’s on steam . 16, 17 
Robison’s on the force of steam 64 
Roy’s on air and steam . 86 
Rumford’s on steam 52, 53, 54 
Southern’s on the force and 
heat of steam . . 51, 70 
Taylor’s on steam . 70 
Ure’s on vapour of alcohol . 74 
ether . . 76 
petroleum . 79 
force of steam . 69

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