Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

quisite to raise water to any proposed 
height . . App. 214 
Rules, practical, for pumps—the velocity 
necessary to discharge a given quantity 
of water . . — 216 
the diameter 
of, necessary to discharge a given 
quantity of water . -. ibid 
the power 229 
the ef 
fective force of gravity when an en 
gine and train are running upon an 
inclined plane . — 226 
-the speed 
under any given circumstances of load, 
inclination of railway, &c. . — 229 
the ten 
sion on the circumference of the driving 
wheels, or what is termed the resistance 
to traction . . — 227 
the quantity of water 
required for steam . — 225 
the pressure of steam 
in the cylinder . — 228 
properties of steam — 205 
steam pipe, diameter of 210 
the elastic force of 
steam when in contact with the liquid 
from which it is generated — 205 
the mean pressure on 
the piston, when worked expansively — 222 
table of multipliers for 
mean pressure, acting expansively — 223 
the power — 225 
the aperture of a safety 
valve for any given pressure — 210 
the space the steam of 
a cubic foot of water occupies when of 
a given elastic force and temperature, 
and separated from the liquid from 
which it is generated . — 206 
Rumble, F. (Plates 84—88) 
Rumford’s, Count, boilers 42, 106, 107, 128 
experiments on latent heat . 52 
Sadler . . . .32 
Safety valve . . 7, 103, 139, 206 
rule for area of . App. 210 
escape of steam at . 103 
pipes „ . 140,141,142 
rules for . .142 
Sailing, trial of between H. M. ships Asia, 
Caledonia, Medea, and Vanguard App. 100 
Sails, power of . .310 
Savery, Thomas . . 5, 7, 16 
’s Miner’s Friend . . 5 
engine simplified . . 7 
first effective steam engine by . ibid 
engine . 5, 6, 17, 24, 36, 37 
Schmidt’s experiments on heat . 51, 70 
Screw propeller applied to steam vessels App. 231 
Seaward’s slides . . . 209 
Sea water, elastic force of steam of . 60 
analysis of . 61, 271, 272 
boiling point of . . 272 
Shafts, strength of . . 245 
Ships, resistance of . 296, 313 
Side rods, strength of . . 242 
Simpson, J., Chelsea water-works 404, 405 
Single acting engine . . 191 
expansive . 194 
Sleek, effect of . . 36, 113 
Slide . . 38, 174, 175, 199, 207 
construction of . .207 
improved . . . 208 
friction of . . 209 
cylindrical . . . ibid 
modes of opening by . . 225 
Murray’s . . . 207 
Bramah’s . . . ibid 
Murdoch’s . . . 208 
* Seaward’s . . . 209 
Smeaton, John 18, 21, 22, 2c 
’s piston 
Smoke, ascent of . 
quantity of 
Sniffing valve 
Southern, John 
24, 118, 119, 215 
100, 145 
44, 56, 57

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