43. No countenance given by Boulton and
Watt to this charge—nature of their opposi
tion to Hornblower’s application for an exten
sion of the term of patent . . . .31
44. Statement of Watt’s and Hornhlower’s
respective claims to the discovery and applica
tion of expansion . . . . .32
45. Application of expansion hy Watt in
Cornwall—its limited success . . .33
46. Cause of this, the low pressure of the
steam employed ..... ib.
47. Watt’s proposed equalizing apparatus 34
48. The double-acting engine . . 35
49. Watt’s disputes and litigation with the
Cornishmen . . . . . .36
50. Infringers of Watt’s patent—Bull . ib.
51. Use of Hornblower’s double-cylinder
engine in Cornwall . . . . .37
52. Hornhlower’s infringement of Watt’s
patent—action brought against him by the
patentees . . . . . .38
53. List of engines erected by Hornblower
in Cornwall, and amount of patent dues pay
able by each . . . . . . ib.
54. Refusal of the licensees to pay patent
rent pending the law proceedings . . 39
55. Nature of the arguments brought
against the patent, and the answers to them . 40
56. William Murdock . . . .41
57. Watt’s other assistants . . .42
58. Great improvement in duty effected in
Cornwall since 1800—means by which this
has been done . . . . • .43
59. Great deterioration of the engines
which immediately followed Boulton and
Watt’s retirement from the county . . ib.
60. Projects of Richard Trevithick for the
use of high-pressure steam, 1806 . . 44
61. Captain Joel Lean—his improvements
at Crenver and Oatfield mines . . .45
62. The monthly reports of duty established
by Captain Lean, 1811 . . . .46
63. Duty of the engines from 1800 to 1814 47
64. Changes made in the engine after 1814
—introduction of high-pressure steam and
Trevithick’s boilers 49
65. Trevithick’s first proposition (1806)
for the use of high-pressure steam in the
Boulton and Watt engine .... ib.
66. First Cornish engine—erected by Tre
vithick in 1812 . . . . .51
67. Woolf’s application of high-pressure
steam to Hornblower’s double-cylinder en
gine ....... 52
68. Woolf’s erroneous notions respecting
the nature and properties of steam . . 54
69. First engines erected by Woolf in
Cornwall, 1814 to 1816 . . . .55
70. Excellence of manufacture of Woolf’s
engines ...... - 56
71. General introduction of Trevithick’s
adaptation of the single-cylinder engine, and
gradual disuse of the double-cylinder, 1816
to 1821 ....... ib.
72. Trevithick’s ‘ pole engine ’ . . 57
73. Converted into an expanding engine
by Messrs. Sims and Son . . . .58
74. Changes made in the boilers of the
Cornish engines—experiments, 1800 to 1814 59
75. Trevithick’s proposition to substitute
his locomotive boiler for the common one,
1806 60
76. More successful application of Trevi
thick’s boiler, when high-pressure steam was
used in the engines, 1816 . . . . 61
77. Woolf’s tubular boilers—his subse
quent adoption of Trevithick’s boiler . . ib.
78. Duty, 1814 to 1821 . . . ib.
79. First trial to prove the correctness of
the reports, 1815 . . . . .62
80. Nature of the alterations made in the
Cornish engine since 1821 . . . ib.
81. Promise of general improvement, 1822
—Captain Grose’s improvements in clothing,
&c., 1825—application to Wheal Towan en
gine, 1827 . . . • • .63
82. Adaptation of Grose’s improvements
to Woolf’s engine at Consolidated Mines,
1827—trial of this engine .... ib.
83. Further improvement of Wheal Towan
engine, 1828 — trial of its duty—general
adoption of Grose’s improvements throughout
the county, and consequent better performance
of the engine . . . . . .65
84. Trial oftheFowey Consols engine, 1834 ib.
85. Number of engines at work in the
county in 1834, and their dimensions . . 68
86. Improvement since 1835 . . . ib.
87. Taylor’s engine at the United Mines
erected in 1840 by Hocking and Loam—its
high duty . . . • • . ib.