Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

84 THE QUANTUM [ VI . x 
electron. The radial quantum condition along OP is the same 
as in the two-dimensional problem. It can be shown, as is done 
in Sommerfeld’s book, Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines, 
p. 243, that the angular momentum in the plane of the orbit 
pt is equal to k— } where f is the “ orbital azimuth ” in this 
plane, and k is the “ azimuthal ” quantum number. The third 
quantum condition may be expressed by saying that the 
generalized momentum corresponding to the resolved motion 
of the electron in the equatorial plane is given by px = m— 
where m is a new quantum number which may be called the 
" equatorial ” quantum number. It must be noticed that this 
Fig. 12.—Quantization in Space. 
quantization is carried out for the system when the field tends 
to a limiting value of zero. Now let a denote the angle between 
the plane of the orbit and the equatorial plane, i.e. a is the 
angle at K in the spherical triangle KQP. Then we have 
■— — cos a. Substituting the values we have already found for 
p* and p+, we see that cos a = —. Reasons are given by Som- 
merfeld for excluding the value m — o, which would mean that 
the plane of the orbit can be parallel to the applied field. Exclud 
ing this case we are left with k possible orientations in an external 
field, the possible orientations being given by 
cos a = 
2 3 
k’ k 

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