Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

In emphasizing the fact that there are many unsolved problems, 
the remarkable achievement of the quantum theory should not be 
forgotten. In the course of but a few years, the new outlook has 
enabled an extensive series of apparently disconnected phenomena 
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to be correlated and interpreted, and as a result of the clear con 
ception which has been obtained of the essential significance of atomic 
magnetism, the special study of the magnetic properties of atoms 
will be able to contribute more and more towards the solution of 
the problems of atomic structure generally. 
E. C. Stoner, Magnetism and Atomic Structure, 1926 
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1. Diamagnetism 
IAMAGNETISM is a property common to all matter, and 
on the classical theory is regarded as due to a Larmor 
precession of electronic orbits, similar to that which is account 
able for the Zeeman effect. On this may be superimposed a 
larger paramagnetic effect due to change in the orientation of 
unbalanced electronic orbits. A considerable amount of experi 
mental work has been carried out by Pascal, who has investigated 
the influence of chemical combination on the magnetic properties. 
It is found that diamagnetic atoms combine to give diamagnetic 
molecules, and the effects are approximately additive. 
Langevin has given a theoretical discussion of diamagnetism 
and shown how an expression for the diamagnetic susceptibility 
may be obtained. 
The diamagnetic susceptibility may be calculated by finding 
the changes in the nature of the orbits produced by the magnetic 
field. For simplicity we suppose that the electron orbits are 
circular and that their planes are perpendicular to the inducing 
field. When v, the number of revolutions per second, is very 
great, the circling electron may be regarded as equivalent to an 
electric current of strength ve. The magnetic moment of the 
equivalent magnet will be veA, where A is the area of the orbit. 
For a circular orbit of radius r the magnetic moment 
M = venr 2 
= \er 2 oo 
where a> is the angular velocity of the electron. 
7 : 1

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