Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

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(Lx«! 2 + • • + 2M 12 ^ii 2 T - • •) 
= J&fLJt + M 12 * 2 + . .) 
2 71 
where N t = L^’x + Mx 2 f 2 -f- . . 
Thus the total angular momentum of the system is found 
by a summation extending over the whole space occupied by 
the magnetic tubes, and is expressed in the form 
where Nx denotes the total number of magnetic tubes passing 
through the circuit corresponding to the charge e x . 
In this case the application of the quantum theory to the 
steady state gives the result 
pdp = nh, (n an integer) 
io : 9 
where cf> is the angle determining the position of the charges at 
any particular instant. The integration is to be extended over 
the full period common to all the rotating charges. Hence, 
since p is constant, 
2np — nh io : io 
Identifying the two expressions for p we find 
ZfeiNx — nh io : ii 
According to the electron theory, the charges e x . . . must be 
integral multiples of the fundamental electron charge, so that 
e-L — hxe, etc., where is an integer which may be either posi 
tive or negative. The relation may now be written 
ZkxNx — n(h/e) . . . . io: 12 
In general, of course, the integers k lt etc., will be unity, and 
the simplest interpretation to give to the result is to assume 
that each N is an integral multiple of h/e. Even if any particular 
k were not unity, we could still interpret the relation in the same 
way by assuming that the corresponding n is a multiple of the 
integer k. Thus we are again led to postulate an atomicity not 
merely of electric charges, but also of magnetic tubes.

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