Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

x. 3] 
* H. S. Allen, Phil. Mag., vol. 48, p. 429, 1924. 
Last of all we have tubes linked with both circuits and the num 
ber of these is 
N 12 = M 12 (G + i 2 ) . . (2 in Fig. 22) 
The total number of tubes is obviously 
N t + N 2 + N 12 = Li»! + L 2 f 2 (7 in Fig. 22) 
a result which we might have foreseen. 
The simple fact, illustrated in Fig. 22, that the various mag 
netic tubes associated with two current circuits, may be grouped 
together in different ways, is important in connection with the 
method of applying the quantum conditions. In his original 
work the author * started by classifying the tubes by the latter 
method, i.e. by considering the tubes linked only with either 
circuit. It is, however, more satisfactory to adopt the former 
classification and consider the total number of tubes linked with 
each circuit. The reason is that we are then able to apply the 
quantum conditions according to the accepted principles in the 
way suggested by Professor C. G. Darwin of the University of 
Edinburgh. His treatment, with slight alterations in the nota 
tion, is given below. 
We are dealing with a system depending upon two variables 
which in this case might be taken as the two currents i 1 and 
i 2 , but we may start by attempting to quantize the general 
W = \ax 2 + fxy + |6y 2 . . . 10 : 24 
This is a quadratic function of the variables x and y which are 
supposed to have the same periodic character, and the cycles 
for x and y are supposed to be from 0 to 1. In accordance with 
the Hamiltonian method previously discussed we put 
Px = ax fy\ 
Pv^fx + by)' 
Making the substitution we find 
10 : 25 
W = 1 b P* ~ 2 /&A + a Pv 
2 ab-f* 
10 : 26 
Then the motion is determined by the Hamiltonian equations 
fyx = 
This gives 
, . dW , 
etc., x = 7—, etc. . 
d Px 
p x = constant . 
10 : 27 
10 : 28 
If, then, we apply the quantum condition as given by Wilson 
and Sommerfeld (2 :18) we have an integral taken over a cycle 
represented by 
pp x dx = r Ji, etc., where r x is an integer . 10 : 29

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