Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

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But if a single quantum tube is liberated, the total number of 
bound tubes in the initial state is one greater than the total 
number in the final state, i.e. 
n r + n — n r ’ + n' + 1 . . . . 10 : 51 
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Thus the above equation reduces to 
hv T = \n'hv' — \nhv . . . . 10 : 45 
which is identical with that employed by Bohr. 
6. The Fundamental Nature of Magnetic Lines 
A few remarks may be added with regard to the general 
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character of magnetic lines, as bearing on what has been said. 
Sir Oliver Lodge in various papers has referred to the fundamental 
character of such lines. 
“ How then are we to visualize the act of magnetization, say, 
when a piece of iron is magnetized ? I say that the act consists 
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in opening out molecular magnetic loops which are already in 
existence. They are like rings swelling sideways. You cannot 
cut them or get at their ends, as you can cut a loop of string. 
They are more like indiarubber bands which can be stretched, 
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stretched without limit; so that, instead of being shut up into 
an ultra-microscopic space, they swell out so as to enclose a 
considerable region. The lines of force of an active magnet 
envelop a large area, and when the magnetism is destroyed or 
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suppressed, the loops do not cease to be, they merely shrink, so 
as to enclose a smaller and smaller area as the magnetism dies 
away ; and they remain, ready to be swollen out again when 
the magnetism is re-excited.” * 
“ Magnetic lines are always closed curves ; there is no known 
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way of generating them, they always pre-exist, though they may 
be of atomic or molecular magnitude, and in a magnetic field 
are opened out so as to enclose a perceptible area. This is 
generally admitted to be the process of magnetization, and when 
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the magnetism ceases the lines shrink up into infinitesimal, or 
practically infinitesimal, orbits again. That the quantum is 
associated with these ultimate magnetic units is exceedingly 
likely; and an association of the electric units with the mag- 
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netic ones is all that is necessary to account for radiation.” j 
* Sir Oliver Lodge, Journal of the Röntgen Society, vol. 18, July, 1922. 
+ Sir Oliver Lodge, Phil. Mag., vol. 41, p. 942, 1921.

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