Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

I S 
the inea.surern.ents of Kurlbaum and of Lummer and Pringsheim 
h — 6 55 x 10- 27 erg sec., 
a value which is in remarkably good agreement with later and 
more accurate determinations by various methods. The value 
adopted in this book is 
h = 6-558 x 10- 87 erg sec. 
It will be noticed that h is a quantity of the dimensions of 
energy multiplied by time, i.e. of action, as the term is used in 
applied mathematics in connection with the Principle of Least 
The fundamental relation of Planck’s theory may obviously 
be written in the form 
— — nh 1:2 
v being the frequency. The equation may also be written 
Et = nh 1:3 
where r is the period of the vibration. This may be interpreted 
by regarding E/V or Er as the action, and h as an element of 
action. From this point of view, which agrees closely with 
that adopted in the later developments of the subject, the 
quantum of action, h, is a universal constant, a true atom of action. 
We may gain some modicum of satisfaction from the idea that 
action is atomic, though as Jeans has remarked “ an attempt to 
imagine a universe in which action is atomic leads the mind 
into a state of hopeless confusion ! ” 
An alternative mode of regarding the quantum constant may 
be mentioned here. J. W. Nicholson,* in an investigation of 
the nebular and coronal spectrum, suggested that the angular 
momentum of an atomic system might be equated to nh/2n. 
Here h/271 appears as a natural unit of angular momentum, the 
physical “ dimensions ” of this quantity being the same as those 
of action. 
2. Photo-electricity 
In 1905 EinstemJ made a notable suggestion which has 
proved fruitful in predicting experimental results although it 
raises many grave difficulties. This was the hypothesis of the 
existence of “ light quanta,” an idea which has also been developed 
by J- J* Thomson in his unitary theory of light. According to 
* J. W. Nicholson, Monthly Notices, R.A.S., vol. 72, p. 677, 1912. 
t A. Einstein, Ann. d. Physik, vol. 17, p. 132, 190 е ,: vol. 20, p. 199, 

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