Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

Main Smith. Chemistry and Atomic Structure. (Benn, 1925.) 
Poincaré. Dernières pensées. Contains an essay entitled “ L'hypo 
thèse des Quanta.” (Flammarion, 1913.) 
Planck. Vorlesungen über die Theorie der Wärmestrahlung. (Barth, 
ist Edition, 1906 ; 5th Edition, 1923.) 
The Theory of Heat Radiation. (English Translation by Masius, 
Blakiston, 1914.) 
Reiche. The Quantum Theory. (Methuen, 1922.) 
Schuster and Nicholson. An Introduction to the Theory of 
Optics. Chapters XV and XVI on Spectra. (Arnold, 1924.) 
Silberstein. Report on the Quantum Theory of Spectra. (Adam 
Hilger, 1920.) 
Sommerfeld. Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines. (Methuen, 
Atombau und Spektrallinien. (F. Vieweg, Fourth German 
Edition, 1924.) 
Stoner. Magnetism and Atomic Structure. (Methuen, 1926.) 
Van Vleck. Quantum Principles and Line Spectra. (Bulletin of 
the National Research Council, 1926.) 
La Theorie du Rayonnement et les Quanta. Reports presented 
to the first Solvay Congress of Physics at Brussels (October, 
1911), with the discussions thereon. (Gauthier-Villars, 1912.)

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