Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

Electron charge 
Specific electron charge 
Mass of electron 
Mass of hydrogen atom 
Avogadro’s constant 
Gas constant for i mole 
Boltzmann’s constant, R/N 
Constant of molecular energy, 
Kinetic energy at o° C. of a 
Velocity of light 
Planck’s constant 
Fine structure constant 
Rydberg constant 
Rydberg frequency 
_log 10 . 
£-=4.774 x 10- 10 E.S.U. 10-67888 
e/w—1-761 x io 7 E.M.U./gm. 7-24576 
m=9-o4Xio -28 gm. 28-95620 
M=i-649Xio _24 gm. 24-21722 
N=6-062 xio 23 mole. -1 23-78262 
R=8-3i5Xio 7 ergs/gm. deg. 7-91986 
A=i-372Xio -16 ergs/deg. 16-13724 
«=2-058 x io -16 ergs/deg. 16-31333 
^0=5-619 x io -14 ergs 14-74965 
0=2-9986 x io 10 cm. sec. -1 10-47692 
h=6-558 X io -27 erg sec. 27-81677 
«=7-282 X io -3 3-86225 
N H =109677-6 cm. -1 5-04012 
N« =109737-3 cm." 1 5-04035 
i ; H=3'2888xio 16 sec.- 1 15-51704 
Van =3-2906 x io 15 sec." 1 15-51727 
Quantum unit of length «1=0-531 x io -8 cm. 9-72509 
Grating constant, calcite ¿=3-029 xio~ 8 cm. 8-48130

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