Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

by several investigators to apply the theory to induced magnetism, 
dition. Theoretically there is something to be said for the 
introduction of the hypothesis of the magneton, as one of the 
ultimate constituents of atomic structure, but the direct experi 
mental proof of the existence of such a constituent is, and is 
tiypotnesis was nrst mooted, it met witn consiaeraDie opposition, 
attention, partly through the work of L. V. King,* based mainly 
on the classical electrodynamics, but even to a greater extent 
attention, partly through the work of L. V. King,* based mainly 
- rnent to our ideas of atomic structure.” Suggested by the 
met with in the finer structure of spectra and the problems of 
- 'Otuce zero. atomic magnetism. 
In his book on Magnetism and Atomic Structure (Methuen, 
s. Planck 1926), E. C. Stoner has given a comprehensive account of magnetic 
phenomena, and of the attempts made to interpret them in 
terms of the quantum theory. But as his work was completed 
before the hypothesis of the spinning electron had been adequately 
« been carrie: discussed, he has only been able to refer to it in the briefest 
"ctoftesti: possible manner. 
Of outstanding importance is the experimental verification 
7 It is of ii by Gerlach and Stern of the theory of spatial quantization 
; ;7 7:em; (Chapter VI) put forward independently by Sommerfeld and 
- ecuEtfok Debye. This theory leads to the surprising conclusion that an 
atom endowed with a magnetic moment can take up only certain 
:.T.h:jc'ik definite orientations in a magnetic field. The experiments not 
:he cali: only support the quantum, as opposed to the classical theory, 
but allow of an absolute determination of the value of the Bohr 
10. Atomic Structure 
Finally in our survey we come to the question of atomic 
structure, which is one of the outstanding problems of Physics 
* L. V. King, Gyromagnetic Electrons, Carrier, Montreal, 1926. 
t Goudsmit and Uhlenbeck, Nature, vol. 117, p. 264, 1926. 
J Bohr, Nature, vol. 117, p. 265, 1926.

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