secutive means, H 0 , D 0 , V 0 for every day of the year, so that
the consecutive mean plus the variation is the observed value,
Ii o T- A H = H, Do + AD = D, Fo ■)■ A F — V. In passing
the dates of excessive magnetic storms, it is proper to substitute
a minimum A H min = 0.00025 C. G. S. It has been proposed
to obtain the normal field by taking out the “quiet” days for
Fig. 65. Example of the variations of the i?-component of the magnetic
field in all latitudes, and showing the derived normal type curve in the
26.68-day period (direct), beginning August 3.58, 1845. y = 0.00001 C. G. S.
each month, and computing the means from these selected
days. Unfortunately the fact that a day is “quiet” does not
guarantee that the day is near the normal, because “quiet”
days are as likely to run on one side of the normal as are the
rough or moderately disturbed days. The best daily and monthly
means are derived by taking all the observations as they occur,