Full text: Nature versus natural selection

condition it is placed. It is only in the case of mere fancy 
breeds that the animal is not benefited by the curious 
transmutation brought about by selection. 
Mr. Romanes supplies us with some beautifully-executed 
plates representing the different kinds of dogs and other 
animals which have been the outcome of Artificial Selec 
tion. He presents these as an overwhelming proof of the 
efficacy of the selective principle in the modification of 
organic types (p. 297), and adds : “ It is surely unquestion 
able that in these typical proofs of the efficacy of Artificial 
Selection we have the strongest conceivable testimony to 
the power of Natural Selection in the same direction ” 
(/. 313). That would be perfectly true if the operation 
was carried on in the same way in both cases ; but the 
triumph of Artificial Selection does not imply the necessary 
triumph of Natural Selection if the process is different. 
We want to have the identity of the two processes 
demonstrated to us. We know that domestic dogs differ 
from one another, but they have very little more to do with 
the proof which Mr. Romanes is attempting to establish, 
than the dogs of Lear and Edgar with any rational con 
versation, when the mad king, in the midst of arraigning 
his daughters, says :— 
“ Lear : The little dogs and all, 
Tray, Blanch, and Sweet-heart, see they bark at me." 
And the sham madman takes up the running :— 
“Edgar: Tom will throw his head at them :—Avaunt, you curs ! 
Be thy mouth or black or white, 
Tooth that poisons, if it bite ; 
Mastiff, greyhound, mongrel grim, 
Hound, or spaniel, brach, or lym ; 
Or bobtail tike, or trundle-tail ; 
Tom will make them weep and wail : 
For, with throwing thus my head, 
Dogs leap the hatch, and all are fled.” 
—Act iii., sc. 6.

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