Full text: Nature versus natural selection

germ plasm should be modified by the action of external 
circumstances ; that the germ plasm of all the individuals 
subjected to the same outward conditions should be 
modified in the same way; these similar variants wi’ 
intermarry apart from selection. Let this essential change 
take place, and it matters little for our argument under 
what especial conditions and limitations it takes place. 
It is asserted that sexual reproduction is necessary to 
develop this influence. We cannot see why this should 
be necessary any more than it is necessary to mix the 
contents of two wine vats of the same vineyard, in order 
to bring out the characteristic aroma of this particular 
growth. But grant that “amphimixis” is necessary ; that 
does not vitiate but develop the change that has already 
taken place. The preparatory modification has taken 
place in all and produces its undoubted result after sexual 
reproduction. ( How could it produce any result on 
offspring before ? ) And it is obvious that the germ plasm 
of all being transformed in the same way, there is no need, 
no room for the selection of some which have been 
modified in a special way. Nor is this principle affected 
by the assertion as to the time when this modification of 
the germ plasm takes place to sufficiently modify the 
organism itself. If it be asserted that the result is only 
visible after several generations, this is only in accordance 
with the fact that some species do not vary so readily as 
It would require a volume to deal properly with the 
theory of Dr. Weismann, regarding it as a statement of 
some of the most difficult phenomena of nature. I have 
endeavoured to look at it simply from the point of view 
of the theory of Natural Selection ; and I trust that 
nothing has been omitted which is essential to the argu 
ment, although I have avoided as much as possible the

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