Full text: Nature versus natural selection

produced. . . . Now Mr. Darwin’s great achievement has been to 
show that a similar process of selection is going on in the organic 
world.”—(Fiske. Cosmic Philosophy, vol. ii., pp. Q-io.) 
Mr. Romanes says :— 
“Here (in artificial selection) just as in Natural Selection, the 
materials on which the selective action operates are * such new forms 
as may be born into the world.’”—(Contemporary Review, vol. liii., 
A 845') 
In the following passage Mr. Wallace seems to attribute 
too little influence to other causes of modification apart 
from artificial selection :— 
“ It is a very common, but mistaken idea, that this improvement is 
due to crossing and feeding in the case of animals, and to improved 
cultivation in the case of plants. Crossing is occasionally used in 
order to obtain a combination of qualities found in two distinct 
breeds, and also because it is found to increase the constitutional 
vigour ; but every breed possessing any exceptional quality is the 
result of the selection of variations occurring year after year, and 
accumulated in the manner just described. Purity of breed, with 
repeated selection of the best varieties of that breed, is the foundation 
of all improvement in our domestic animals and cultivated plants.”— 
(.Darwinism. p. 85.) 
But it is obvious that, in training, the animal is exer 
cised, and that the selection is made with reference to 
excellence thus exhibited. 
“ The English race-horse and greyhound could not have been 
improved up to their present high standard of excellence, without 
constant training.”—(The Variation, vol. ii., p. 234.) 
“ Man can improve the breed of his game cocks by the selection 
of those birds which are victorious in the cockpit.”—(.Descent of Man. 
2nd ed., p. 2 1 1.) 
The arguments by which it is attempted to substitute 
Natural Selection for the inherited effect of use and 
disuse, have now been considered. I do not think that the 
case which they seek to establish is a strong one. And I 
see no reason for relinquishing the argument with which I

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