Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Speaking of the existence of rudimentary structures and 
the inference to be drawn from that fact, Mr. Romanes 
says :— 
“ The theory of special creation can only maintain that these rudi 
ments are formed for the sake of adhering to an ideal type.” He 
deprecates such an idea ; and further contends that if this principle 
were acted on we should expect it to be consistently carried out. 
“This reasonable expectation, however, is far from being realised.” 
~{PP- 39-41.) 
Mr. Chambers, speaking of the total inadmissibility of 
the idea of a separate creation for each, goes on to say 
“ the single fact of abortive or rudimentary organs condemns it; for 
these on such a supposition could be regarded in no other light than 
as blemishes or blunders, irreconcilable with the idea of Almighty 
perfection.”—(J>. 202.) 
In “The Argument from Geographical Distribution,” 
Mr. Romanes says :— 
“We should expect on this theory that the organic types living on 
any given geographical area should be found to resemble or to differ 
from organic types living elsewhere, according as the area is con 
nected or disconnected with other geographical areas. And this we 
find to be the case, as abundant evidence proves.”—(p. 49.) 
Mr. Chambers says :— 
“ Thus various portions of the earth are separated in such a way as 
to preclude anything like a general communication of the seeds of 
their respective plants towards each other. Hence arises an interest 
ing question—Are the plants of the various isolated regions which 
enjoy a parity of climate and other conditions, identical or the 
reverse ? The answer is—that in such regions the vegetation bears a 
general resemblance, but the species are nearly all different, and there 
is even, in a considerable measure, a diversity of families.”—(J>. 279.) 
“ When we come to the zoology, we find precisely similar results, 
excepting that man (with, perhaps, some of the less conspicuous forms 
of being) is universal, and that several tribes, as the bear and dog, 
appear to have passed by the land connexion from the arctic regions 
of the eastern to those of the western hemisphere. ‘ With these

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