Full text: Nature versus natural selection

defines what Natural Selection is; and assuming that 
Natural Selection is a sufficient explanation of all the 
phenomena, he invokes the law of parsimony, and declares 
that it is unnecessary to seek for any other cause. He 
asserts that the choice lies between Natural Selection and 
sudden creation, thereby ignoring the fact that, according 
to Mixed Darwinism, Organic Evolution may result from 
transforming influences only, from Natural Selection only, 
or from a combination of both. In a digest of The Origin 
of Species we should have expected to find some arguments 
urged for Natural Selection as the method by which 
Organic Evolution has been brought about. It is interest 
ing to note how Mr. Romanes meets this just expectation. 
In the first form in which this essay appeared Mr. Romanes 
says :— 
“ But now it may properly be asked what is your evidence in 
favour of Natural Selection ? Well, the evidence in favour of 
Natural Selection as a cause is simply the evidence in favour of 
Organic Evolution as an effect.”—(p. 742.) 
This is omitted in the republished essay, but in the latter 
he says :— 
“ If once the fact of Organic Evolution were established, no one 
would dispute that much of the adaptation was probably effected by 
Natural Selection. How much we cannot say—probably never shall 
be able to say ; for even Mr. Darwin himself does not doubt that 
other causes besides that of Natural Selection have assisted in the 
modifying of specific types. For the sake of simplicity, however, I 
shall not go into the subject, but shall always speak of Natural 
Selection as the only cause of Organic Evolution. Let us then weigh 
the evidence in favour of Organic Evolution.”—{pp. 13-14.) 
There is here no statement of the arguments in favour 
of the distinctive teachings of Mr. Darwin. But while 
the theory is explained, the objections to it are either 
ignored or treated as the mere results of ignorance. It is 
assumed without proof that -Natural Selection is the 
method whereby the process of Organic Evolution has been 

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