Full text: Nature versus natural selection

from the theory of Natural Selection. Such treatment has 
the effect of withdrawing attention from the difficulties 
which beset the theory of Natural Selection, or of leading 
us to suppose that they are insignificant in comparison 
with the difficulties associated with Organic Evolution in 
This treatment of the question might be justified on 
the condition that there were difficulties associated with 
Organic Evolution which could only be solved on the 
hypothesis of Natural Selection. This is the ground 
assumed by Mr. Darwin :— 
“ I shall discuss the difficulties which are opposed to the theory. 
These difficulties may be classed under the following heads : The 
apparent impossibility in some cases of a very simple organ gradu 
ating by small steps into a highly perfect organ ; the marvellous facts 
of instinct ; the whole question of hybridity ; and, lastly, the absence 
at the present time, and in our geological formations, of innumerable 
links connecting all allied species. Although some of these difficulties 
are of great weight, we shall see that many of them are explicable on 
the theory of Natural Selection, and are otherwise inexplicable.”— 
( The Variation, vol. z'., p. 8.) 
But we must remember that, so far as the fact of Organic 
Evolution is concerned, there is only one rival hypothesis, 
that of special creation. The argument for the fact of 
Organic Evolution deals with the existing organic world 
as a result of one out of two possible methods of pro 
duction. If the result is not such as might be expected 
from Organic Evolution, the fact of Organic Evolution is 
not proved. The phenomenon has not taken place, so far 
as we can see ; but surely that negation cannot be affected 
by any hypothesis as to how evolution might have been 
brought about. 
There seems to be the very greatest difference among 
experts as to the relative worth of the arguments for 
Organic Evolution as a result, and Natural Selection as the

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