Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Mr. Darwin says :— 
“ In order to understand the existence of rudimentary organs, we 
have only to suppose that a former progenitor possessed the parts in 
question in a perfect state, and that under changed habits of life 
they became greatly reduced.”—{Descent of Man. 2nd ed., p. 23.) 
“ Owen considers the simple filamentary limbs of the lepidosiren as 
the beginnings of organs which attain full functional development in 
higher vertebrates ; but, according to the view lately advocated by 
Dr. Günther, they are probably remnants consisting of the persistent 
axis of a fin with the lateral rays or branches aborted.”— {Origin of 
Species, p. 399.) 
“The wing of the penguin is of high service, acting as a fin. It may 
therefore represent the nascent state of the wing. Not that I believe 
this to be the case. It is more probably a reduced organ modified 
for a new function.”—{Origin of Species, p. 398.) 
It should be observed that the advocate of Natural 
Selection does not deny that there have been, in the history 
of the world, imperfect organs progressing towards per 
fection ; but he asserts that the imperfect organs with 
which we are actually acquainted are not progressive but 
retrogressive forms. All who accept Organic Evolution 
must necessarily believe in progressive development as the 
demonstrated truth of science. But if this is so, it might 
be asked, How does the advocate of Natural Selection come 
to question the progressive character of the imperfect 
organs now existing? Why does he deny that some of 
these (or all of these ?) are progressive forms ? What is 
the reason which perhaps unconsciously leads him to put 
this spoke in the wheel of Organic Evolution ? The 
answer seems to be quite a simple one. He has to prove 
that Organic Evolution has taken place through the action 
of Natural Selection, and he looks with suspicion upon all 
processes which cannot be so explained. In doing this he 
limits the action of Organic Evolution by the logical 
requirement of the theory of Natural Selection, which is

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