Full text: Nature versus natural selection

totality of the faculties has been most favourably moulded 
by functional changes.” For, as we have already shown, 
the application of different tests of fitness in the animal 
world would not produce Admirable Crichtons, but would 
tend to bring about a fixity of species rather than a 
transmutation of species possessing more highly developed 
organisms ; and Mr. Spencer argues most conclusively to 
the same effect. It is true that civilised man has not yet 
adopted the merciless policy of permitting the survival of 
the fittest only, nor even of securing the elimination of the 
worst. But civilised life involves a subdivision of labour, 
and the consequent special culture of special faculties and 
aptitudes. If there is competition, it is among those who 
follow the same callings and develope the same faculties. 
Such a state of things does not promote the cultivation of 
the totality of the faculties. Success in life generally 
attends those who are the most accomplished specialists.

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