Full text: Nature versus natural selection

parental love in nature, 80-1. 
Chance : definition of, by Dr. John 
son,27; by Cournot, 29 ; by Janet, 
29 ; Shakespeare on, 60, 65. 
in Darwinian and evolu 
tionary hypotheses : 30-2 ; Gra 
ham on, 26 ; Huxley on, 26-7, 
29-3°, 70-1 ; Pfaffe Kneipp on, 
27 ; Darwin on, 27-9,60 ; Wallace 
on, 60, 65—v. also Life, Destruc 
tion of : Accidental. 
Changed Conditions : v. Environ 
Chelydra serpentina : an illustration 
of conformity to type, 502, 503. 
Chemical Action : a cause of change 
of organic colour, 408-10. 
Chickens : instinct in, 227-8—v.also 
Chicken-corn : influence of external 
conditions on, 398. 
Chlorophyll : use of, by caterpillars, 
CiCERO : on theory of the world 
created by God for benefit of 
man, 127. 
Clark, Edward (quoted by Wal 
lace) : on pampas of S. America, 
Classification : as evidence for 
Natural Selection, 554-83. 
Climate : influence of, on organic 
structure, 397-9. 
protective secretion 
potential rate of increase, 
Competition : v. Struggle for Exist 
Conformity to Type : 500-10. 
Conjugation : 578, 579-80. 
CONN, H. W. : on rudimentary 
organs, 498. 
Co-operation : among wild-cattle, 
84-5 ; pelicans, 85,95 ; cranes, 86 ; 
crabs, 86-7,87; beetles, 87; eagles, 
90-1; vultures, 91 ; baboons, 93 ; 
hawks, 93-4 ; bisons, 94 ; wild 
swine, 94; mares, 94-5 ; rats, 95 ; 
snails, 95 ; weasels, 95 ; mammals, 
99-102 ; plants, 114-7 ; birds, 200; 
in animal world, 123; defeats 
“elimination of the worst,” 93— 
v. also Parental Devotion; Soci 
ability ; Animal; Struggle for 
CORE, E. D.: on Survival of Fittest, 
14 ; on mimetic colouration, 26 ; 
on extinction of species, 316; on 
non-identity of organic evolu 
tion and Natural Selection, 
co-operation in a Malagasy forest, 
114-5, 116; on competition in 
same, 116-7 ; on birds as des 
troyers of insects, 164-5. 
COSTA (quoted by Darwin) : on 
influence of external conditions 
of oyster, 395. 
Cotton (of Christ Church, Oxon.): 
his bees, in New Zealand, 51. 
Cournot : his definition of chance, 
Cow : parental devotion of, 82. 
Cox, Ramsay : on influence of 
external conditions on peacock- 
butterfly, 396. 
Crabs : co-operation amongst, 86-7, 
87 ; protective method of con 
cealment of, 171-2. 
Cranes : co-operation amongst, 86. 
Croll, Dr. J. : his definition of 
Natural Selection, 44. 
Crossing : v. Hybridisation. 
Crows : hybridisation of, 353-4. 
Cunningham, J. T. : on insect 
workers and soldiers produced 
from same kind of egg, 269. 
Cuvier : on his discovery of ex 
tinct types, 314.

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