Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Darwin, Charles—(continued). 
law of economy, 511, 513-4; on 
organic suppression, 512-3; on 
degenerate organs not influenced 
by Natural Selection, 515-6 ; on 
importance of nascent organs, 
517; on fully-developed useless 
organs, 518; on geographical 
distribution, 526-7, 530-1. 
Darwin, Prof. George H. : on 
variation, 11-12. 
Darwinism : Pure, 349-88 ; Mixed, 
Death : v. Life, Destruction of. 
Deer : parental devotion of, 83 ; 
isolation in breeding, 380—v.also 
Antelope, Buck, Stag. 
Degeneration, Organic : 506-12. 
Descartes, Rene : on theory of 
creation of world by God for 
benefit of man, 127. 
Desert Animals : colouration of, 
193-4 ; cause of colouration of, 
Plants : storage of water 
by, 414. 
Dewitz : on queens and workers 
of ants produced from different 
kinds of eggs, 268. 
Digitalis, Imported : variation in, 
Dorfmeister (quoted by Eimer) : 
on influence of temperature on 
colouration and markings of 
butterflies, 405, 406. 
Disuse : v. Use and Disuse. 
Dixon, Charles : on the ex 
aggerated importance of theory 
of Natural Selection, 589. 
Dogs : Mr. Romanes’ pictures of, 
as the outcome of Artificial 
Selection, 151-2 ; instinct in, 243 ; 
barking, 255-6; pointing, 257; 
compensation of growth in, 336 ; 
hybridisation of, 356 ; recent 
evolution of some breeds, 359 ; 
influence of external conditions 
on, 397, 423—v. also Grey 
Ancon : 359. 
Domestication : its facts illustrate 
the action of Natural Selection 
and of Sexual Selection, 148-50 
—v. also Artificial Selection. 
Dragon-flies : protective coloura 
tion of, 173. 
Drummond, Prof. Henry : on 
“bird-droppings,” 174-5 » on de 
fensive colouration of puff-adder, 
Drosera : v. Sun-dew. 
Ducklings : aquatic instincts in, 
and their loss, 259-61 ; maternal 
education of, 261. 
Ducks : incubating instinct of, 265. 
Duncan, Dr. : on instinct in but 
terflies, 263. 
Duval : on improved varieties of 
pears arising under natural con 
ditions, 141. 
Eagle, Golden : dangers to its life, 
Economy, Law of : v. Parsimony, 
Law of. 
Edmonston, Dr. (quoted by Dar 
win) : on influence of external 
conditions on lams arge?itatus 
and raven, 396. 
Eimer, Prof. G. H. Th. : on the 
work of a scientist, 159 ; on iso 
lation in breeding of lizards, 381 ; 
on cause of colouration in butter 
flies, 405, 406, 407. 
Eisig, Dr. : on pigments in skin 
the cause of nauseous taste, 219. 
Eland : an illustration of Law of 
Parsimony, 481. 
Elephant : rate of increase, 46. 
“ Eliot, George” : quotation from 
Romola, 21 ; from Middlemarch, 
75 ; from Mill on the Floss, 471 ; 
from Silas Marner, 471. 
Elk : evolution of, from stag, 343, 
Embryology : as evidence for 
Natural Selection, 541-9. 
Emperor-moth : sexual aroma of 
female, 37. 
NICA : on instinct, 123 ; on 
maternal education of ducklings, 
261 ; on ventral fins of gobies, 
Environment : direct action of, in 
dependently of Natural Selection, 
167-70 ; effect of, on colouration, 
189 ; accidental colouration with

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