Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Environment—( continued). 
a varied environment, 205 ; ad 
aptation of creolla sheep to, 
282-3 ; influence of changed 
conditions on transmutation of 
species, 389-448 ; this influence 
not alwaysrapidlyeffective,425-6; 
in relation to adaptation of new 
species to, 532-3 ; influence of, 
on thomisus onus lus, 168 ; on 
fruit-trees, 398 ; on hair, 417 ; 
mastiff and goat, 423 ; on birth 
giving in snakes, 542-3 ; on ar 
rested development of tadpoles, 
543 ; on structural development 
of proteus, 543. 
Ermine : protective colouration of, 
Evolution : definitions of, 1-6 ; five 
tests for, 6-7. 
Organic : not identical 
with Natural Selection, 451-74; 
not proved by Natural Selection, 
475-9 0 ; not aided by Natural 
Selection, 490-523 ; without Nat 
ural Selection, 584-91—v. also 
Natural Selection. 
External Conditions : v. Environ 
Eye, Human : evolution of, 33. 
Falconer, Dr. (quoted by Dar 
win) : on non-useful variation, 
411 ; on influence of environ 
ment on mastiff and goat, 423. 
Falcons : influence of, on develop 
ment of grouse, 63-4. 
Finch, H. F. : on Haeckel’s cel 
lular psychology, 238. 
Fish, Electric : evolution of, 204, 
Fiske, Prof. John : on potential 
rate of increase of cod-fish, 46, 56 ; 
of plants, 49 ; on Survival of 
Fittest amongst antelopes, 63 ; 
on animal colouration, 170; on 
relation of Natural Selection to 
stability of species, 298 ; on bi 
furcation of a species, 324-6 ; on 
law of correlated variation, 340 ; 
on Artificial Selection, 443-4 ; 
on evolution, 463-4 ; on Darwin 
as a pioneer, 476 ; on tardy ac 
ceptance of Newton’s law, 477-8. 
Flies : mimicry amongst, 202. 
Flourens, Prof. M. J. P. : on 
hybridisation, 350, 353 ; of hares 
and rabbits, 356 ; of dogs and 
jackals, 356. 
Flower, Sir Wm. H. : on con 
formity of type, 500. 
Flying-fish : pectoral fins of, 504-5. 
Food, Change of : an influence on 
colouration of insects and pupæ, 
Fore-arm and Hand : evolution of, 
utility of specific variations, 
Fowls : isolation in breeding, 380 
—v. also Chickens. 
Fox : intelligence in, 247. 
Arctic : protective coloura 
tion of, 187, 191. 
Frogs : sex ratio of, 108 ; mimetic 
colouration of, 176; protective 
nauseous taste of, 207. 
Fruit-trees : influence of external 
conditions on, 398—v.also Plants. 
Galton, Francis : on regression 
to mediocrity, 5-6 ; on Sexual 
Selection, 36 ; on tendency 
of Struggle for Existence to 
check independence of charac 
ter, 70 ; on parental devotion of 
cow, 82; on co-operation amongst 
wild cattle, 84-5 ; on heredity, 
Gammie, Mr. (quoted by Dyer) : 
on Survival of Fittest amongst 
ipecacuanha plants, 113. 
Gärtner (quoted by Romanes) : 
on impossibility of hybridisation 
of varieties of verbascum, 384 ; 
of pimpernel, 384. 
Gastrula : Mr. Herbert Spencer on, 
Geese : incubating instinct in, 265 ; 
hybridisation of, 352 ; diminished 
fecundity of imported, 533. 
Geographical Distribution : as evi 
dence for Natural Selection, 524- 
on gradual drying-up of lakes, 

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