Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Geological Changes : as evidence 
for Natural Selection, 535-40. 
Geometrical Ratio : v. Increase. 
Germ-plasm : v. Weismann. 
Gilbey, Walter : on beauty as 
an object in horse-breeding, 134. 
Globigerina : stability of the spe 
cies, 294-5. 
Goats : influence of environment 
on, 423. 
Gobies : ventral fins of, 505. 
Gobioids : pectoral fins of, 504. 
Goethe, J. W. v. : on theory of 
creation of world by God for 
benefit of man, 127-8 ; on Law of 
Compensation of Growth, 335. 
Gold-finch : acquisition by, of 
wren’s notes, 267 ; variation in, 
Gold-fish : compared with carp, 
296, 299. 
Goldsmith, Oliver : The De 
serted Village quoted, 109. 
GOSSE, Pp. Hy. : on influence of 
change of food on colouration of 
insects, 407. 
Graham, W.: on chance in the 
Darwinian and evolutionary hy 
pothesis, 26. 
GRAPHIC : on discriminative de 
struction of life of the “ most fit ” 
nuts by squirrels, 67. 
Greg, W. R. : on the scope of 
scientific interpretation of nature, 
Greyhounds : influence of external 
conditions on, 398-9 ; effect of 
exercise hereditary in, 438. 
Grisebach, Dr. A. : on secretion 
of ethereal oil by plants, 417. 
Gromia: v. Jelly-fish. 
Grouse : great fecundity of, always 
followed by disease, 53-4 ; on 
Struggle for Existence amongst, 
in presence of falcons 63-4. 
North American : Sexual 
Selection amongst, 69 ; tunnel 
burrowing instinct in, 246-8. 
Guanacoes : an apparently mean 
ingless habit of, 253. 
“Guides” in Flowers : 418-9. 
Guillemot : an instance of two 
variants co-existing in same dis 
trict, 326. 
Gulick, Rev. J. T. : on physio 
logical barriers to breeding 
amongst variants, 383. 
Gull : influence of external con 
ditions on, 396 ; Survival of Fit 
test amongst, 443. 
Gymnotus : electric organ of, 522. 
H., J. M. : on mimetic action of 
thrush, 176. 
Haeckel, Prof. E. : his cellular 
psychology, 238 ; on evolution of 
sucking amongst young marsu 
pials, 239-40 ; on hare-rabbit, 
355 ; on organic degeneration, 
506-7 ; on influence of environ 
ment on birth-giving in snakes, 
542-3 ; on fission in amoeba, 577. 
Hair : influence of environment on 
production of, 417. 
Hare : protective colouration, etc., 
of, 183-4 ; compared with rabbit, 
354 ; hybridisation of, 354, 355. 
Alpine : protective col 
ouration and habits of, 187, 188. 
American : colouration of, 
not very protective, 187-8. 
Hartog, Marcus H. : on in 
herited effect of habit in man, 440. 
Hawk-moth : colouration of, not 
protective, 207 ; influence of 
change of food on colouration of, 
Hawks : co-operation amongst, 93-4. 
Heckel, E. (of Marseilles) : on 
direct action of environment on 
thomisus onustus, 168. 
Helico?iidce : acquisition by, of pro 
tective nauseous taste, 217 ; in 
effectiveness of same, 218-9 ! 
only a few individuals possess 
nauseous taste, 219. 
Hemlock, Imported : variation of, 
Hemp, Imported : variation of, 534. 
Henslow, Rev. George : on Sur 
vival of Fittest amongst plants, 
61 ; on useful modifications of 
structure, 416 ; on “path finders” 
in flowers, 418-9. 
Heredity, Physical : in man, 364 
Galton on, 366-7 ; Weismann 
on, 367-72 ; Osborn on, 368 
Romanes on, 368.

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