Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Invagination : 570-2. 
Ipecacuanha Plants : Survival of 
Fittest amongst, 113. 
Isolation for breeding purposes : 
373-5, 379-Si. 
Ivy Linaria : action of peduncle of, 
Jackal : hybridisation of, 356. 
Jackdaws : nest-building instinct 
of, 262. 
Jaguars, Ancon : in Paraguay, 
Janet, Paul : his definition of 
chance, 29 ; on theory of crea 
tion of world by God for benefit 
of man, 128. 
Jefferies, Richard : article in 
Gentleman's Magazine quoted, 
47 l 
Jelly-fish : instinct in, 235 ; too low 
to possess instinct, 235. 
Jenner-Weir, J. L. : on inherited 
effects of habit in capra negaceros, 
Jesse, Edward : on nest-building 
instinct in jackdaws, 262. 
Johns, Rev. B. G.: on mimetic 
colouration of white spider, 
SOCIETY: on hybridisation of 
verbascum, 351. 
Kangaroo: parental devotion in, 
Kingsley, Can. Charles : on 
effects of drainage of Whittlesea 
Mere, 315-6. 
Kirby, Rev. William : on animal 
instinct, 126, 230. 
Kirby and Spence : on mimicry 
amongst insects, 161 ; on intel 
ligence amongst bees, 242-3 ; on 
habits of termites, 273. 
Kneipp, Pfaffe : on chance in 
the Darwinian and evolutionary 
hypotheses, 27. 
Koch, Herr (quoted by Beddard): 
on influence of change of food on 
colouration of insects, 406-7. 
KOLLMAN : on neotenia, 543. 
Kolreuter (quoted by Darwin): 
on hybridisation, 351. 
Kropotkin, Prince : on Survival 
of Fittest, 54-5 ; on want of evi 
dence for Struggle for Existence, 
77-80 ; on co-operation amongst 
pelicans, 85 ; cranes, 86 ; crabs, 
86-7 ; beetles, 87 ; eagles, 90-1 ; 
on sociability amongst birds, 
88-9; ruminants, 89; on co 
operation defeats “ elimination 
of the worst,” 93 ; on animal 
compassion, 95 ; on competition, 
97, 98 ; on co-existence of black 
rat and brown rat, 114 ; on ani 
mal colouration and direct action 
ofenvironment, 168-9,409; human 
and natural action compared, 289. 
Lamb, Merino : an illustration of 
prepotency of the great variant, 
357) 358-9—v- also Ram. 
Lanessan, J. L. DE : on Struggle 
for Existence amongst plants, 
67-8,96; on co-operation amongst 
plants, 115-6. 
Lankester, Prof. E. Ray : on 
Pure Darwinism, 19 ; on evolu 
tion of blind animals, 377-9,445-6; 
on change of structure, 395. 
“Lapsing” of Intelligence: 241, 
Larus argentatus : influence of 
external conditions on, 396 ; 
Survival of Fittest amongst, 443. 
Leconte, Prof. J.: on divergent 
variation, 11 ; on change of 
structure, 394-5. 
Leopard-moth : conspicuous col 
ouration not protective, 207-8. 
Lesage, M. : on presence of salt 
the cause of succulency in mari 
time plants, 417 ; on variation of 
maritime plants, 538. 
Lewes, Geo. Henry: on “lap 
sing” of the intelligence, 241 ; 
on origin of instinct, 243-4 ; on 
hybridisation of hares and rab 
bits, 354. 
Life, Destruction of: how far dis 
criminative and how far acci 
dental, 59-71; great destruction of 
young, 61; non-selective destruc 
tion, 61 ; indiscriminative des 
truction, 62-71, 153 ; accidental, 
62-74 ; amongst insects, 162-3.

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