Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Lions : indiscriminative capture of 
prey, 63 ; symmetrical disease 
in, 337- 
Lizard : Isolation in breeding, 381 
v. also Chameleon. 
Sea : evolution of paddles 
of, 506. 
Locust: protective colouration and 
sagacity of, 173-4. 
Long, James : on beauty as an 
object in horse-breeding, 134. 
Longfellow, Henry W.: on co 
operation amongst vultures, 91. 
Lonsdale (quoted by Darwin) : 
co-operation amongst snails, 
Lothelier : on spines of berberis, 
Love, Romantic, Human : “Ouida” 
on, 38 ; Shakespeare on, 38. 
Animal : Darwin on, 38-9. 
Lubbock, Sir John : on experi 
ments as tests of instinct, 232 ; 
on neuter insects, 269; on queens 
and workers of ants produced 
from same kind of egg, 268 ; on 
instinct amongst sand-wasps, 
Lucas, Prosper : on diminished 
fecundity of imported geese, 533. 
Lupton, Mr. : on evolution of 
American trotters and English 
race-horses, 335. 
Lydekker, Richard : on rudi 
mentary organs, 493,497—v.also 
Nicholson and Lydekker. 
Lyell, Sir Charles : on influ 
ence of external conditions on 
English greyhound, 398-9. 
Lymncea stagnalis: v. Snail, Pond-. 
Macdonald, Dr. Geo. : Wilfred 
Cumbermede quoted (on the 
chicken), 266. 
Mackay, Dr. Charles : Freedom 
and Law quoted, 30. 
Malthus, T. R. : on rate of in 
crease of man, 50. 
Man : rate of increase, 46-50 ; 
theory of creation of world for 
benefit of, 124-30 ; instinctive in 
telligent action in, 243; influence 
of external conditions on, 398 ; 
inherited effects of habit in, 440. 
Mares : co-operation amongst,94-5 
—v. also Horses. 
“ Marigold, Dr.” : quoted, 501. 
Marshall, Prof. Milnes : his 
comparison of action of Natural 
Selection to process of purchase 
of an umbrella, 147-8 ; on de 
generation, 510-1. 
Marsupials : evolution of sucking 
of young, 239-40. 
Martineau, Dr. James : on re 
lation between science and the 
ology, 136 ; on probability of 
survival of a favourable variant, 
201 ; on animal instinct, 228-9 > 
on meaning of evolution, 310,311. 
Maw, George : on co-operation 
amongst mares, 94-5. 
Menault, C. (quotedby Biichner): 
on animal intelligence, 226. 
Metzger (quoted by Darwin) : on 
influence of external conditions 
on vegetable structure, 397-8. 
Meldola, Prof. R. : on variation, 
35 ; on stability and transmuta 
tion of species, 304 ; on physio 
logical selection and Natural 
Selection, 387. 
MENETRIES (quoted by Darwin) : 
on influence of external con 
ditions on owl, 396. 
“Methodical” Selection: 136-8. 
Mice : sudden great increase and 
subsequent possible great des 
truction of, 53, 54 ; instinct in, 
Migration : 526-9. 
Milne-Edwards, H. : on varia 
tion, 4. 
Mimicry : in relation to Natural 
Selection, 177-82 ; “true” and 
“ false,” 195-9 ; between equally- 
protected insects, 197—v. also 
Colouration, Mimetic. 
Mivart, St. George : on varia 
tion, 11 ; on instinct and the 
theory of evolution, 220-1 ; in 
transmutation of species nature 
of conditions subordinate to na 
ture of the organism, 310 ; on 
influence of external conditions 
on organic structure, 401 ; on 
limits of scientific interpretation 
of nature, 426.

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