Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Monstrosities : artificial production 
of, 150. 
Montaigne, M. E. de : on theory 
of creation of world by God for 
benefit of man, 128. 
Morant, Major George F.: on 
Struggle for Existence amongst 
grouse in presence of falcons, 63-4. 
Morgan, Prof. C. Lloyd : on 
instinct in chickens, 228 ; on in 
fluence of external conditions on 
organic structure, 401. 
Morgan, T. H. : on co-operation 
amongst pelicans, 95. 
Morris, Rev. F. O. : on co-opera 
tion amongst hawks, 93-4. 
Moths : protective resemblance to 
“bird-droppings,” 175—v. also 
Butterflies, Emperor-moth, 
Hawk-moth, Insects, Leopard- 
moth, Noon-moth, Tiger-moth. 
Müller, Dr. Fritz (quoted by 
Darwin): on transition stages of 
prawn, 519 ; (quoted by Wallace) 
on mimicry between equally-pro 
tected insects, 197. 
Murphy, Joseph John : on Dar 
winism, 277-8. 
Murray, Andrew : on influence 
of external conditions on organic 
structure, 397. 
Nansen, Dr. F. : on competitive 
methods among sealers, 90 ; on 
animal faculties and Natural 
Selection, 249. 
Nascent Organs : 517-20. 
Nathusius, Hermann v. : on 
shape of skull of pig, 427-30. 
Natural “Preservation”: some 
times used synonymously with 
“ Selection,” 15-6; Darwin on, 15. 
Natural Selection : Transmutation 
of Species by means of, 1-290 ; 
can it compete with other 
methods ? 293-448 ; what proof 
is offered of its effects on organic 
evolution? 451-591. 
definitions of, 2-7,44; 
its influence on Transmutation of 
Species, 2, 19, 103-5 j differences 
of definition, 8-24, 20 ; perhaps 
more than one theory, 23 ; diffi 
culties inherent in theory, 25-41 ; 
Natural Selection—(continued). 
its causative influence, 34-5 ; 
theory compared with reality, 
42-102 ; need for assuming the 
keenest competition under, 76- 
101 ; largely modified by co 
operation, 102 ; analogy with 
Artificial Selection, 130-55 ; sum 
mary of pro’s and coris, 155-6; 
its action compared with pro 
cess of purchase of an umbrella 
(Marshall), 147-8 ; illustrated by 
facts of domestication, 148-50 ; 
accidental death as an illustra 
tion of, 163-7 ; in relation to 
theory of instinct, 220-90, 276-8 ; 
to stability of species, 297-9 ; 
results of cessation of, 301-13, 
431 ; in relation to extinction of 
species, 320-8 ; to correlated vari 
ation, 343-8 ; to Physiological 
Selection, 387 ; to changed con 
ditions, 389-448 ; slow action of, 
399 ; not identical with Organic 
Evolution, 451-74; no proof of 
Organic Evolution, 475-90 ; no 
aid to Organic Evolution, 490- 
523 ; not manifested in Organic 
Evolution, 524-83; [(a) geo 
graphical distribution, 524-35 ; 
(b) geological changes, 535-40; 
(c) embryology, 541-9 ; (d) palae 
ontology, 549-53 ; ("^classifica 
tion, 554-83]; not necessary for 
Organic Evolution, 584-91 ; in 
relation to theology, 420-1 ; to 
adaptation of new species to en 
vironment, 532. 
Darwin, 104-5, 138, 
146, 158 ; Osborn on, 158 ; 
Poulton, 158 ; Spencer on the 
expression, 564; Wallace on, 105. 
Naturalization: of Plants: attempts 
at, usually abortive, hi. 
NA TURE : on direct action of 
environment on thomisus onus 
tus, 168 ; on protective coloura 
tion of birds, 173 ; on intelligence 
in starlings, 245 ; on change of 
instinctive action of toad, 281 ; 
on hybridisation of birds, 354 ; on 
physiological barriers to breeding 
amongst variants, 382 ; on evolu 
tion of birds from reptiles, 504.

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