Full text: Nature versus natural selection

listening as if for a familiar voice. Then changing to another place 
they do the same again. ... As soon as a female reaches the 
shore, the nearest male goes down to meet her, making meanwhile a 
noise like the clucking of a hen to her chickens. He bows to her 
and coaxes her until he gets between her and the water so that she 
cannot escape him. Then his manner changes, and with a harsh 
growl he drives her to a place in his harem. This continues until the 
lower row of harems is nearly full. Then the males higher up select 
the time when their more fortunate neighbours are off their guard to 
steal their wives. This they do by taking them in their mouths and 
lifting them over the heads of the other females, and carefully 
placing them in their own harem, carrying them as cats do their 
kittens. Those still higher up pursue the same method until the 
whole space is occupied. Frequently a struggle ensues between two 
males for the possession of the same female, and both seizing her 
at once pull her in two, or terribly lacerate her with their teeth. 
When the space is all filled, the old male walks around complacently 
reviewing his family, scolding those who crowd or disturb the others, 
and fiercely driving off all intruders. This surveillance always keeps 
him actively occupied.”—(Darwin. Descent of Man. p. 52J.) 
It is quite clear that the female is not allowed to exer 
cise any choice. She might well say with Portia, in The 
Merchant of Venice :— 
“ In terms of choice I am not solely led 
By nice direction of a maiden’s eyes ; 
Besides, the lottery of my destiny 
Bars me the right of voluntary choosing.” 
—{Act ii., sc. 1.) 
It is the chief object of a polygamous male to get as 
large a harem as possible. And with this object he con 
tends with any male who seeks to rob him of his wives. 
The victory of the strongest males, and the consequent 
formation of large harems, necessarily result in many males 
leading a celibate life: which males may in all other 
respects, be fitter to live than their stronger and more 
fortunate brethren. 
In connection with polygamy, the wife of one year might 
have another husband in the second year; and in that case, 
as already observed, the offspring by the second marriage

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