Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Spencer, Herbert—(continued). 
on the expression “Natural Se 
lection,” 564 ; earliest stages of 
life, 566-8 ; action of Natural 
Selection in Organic Evolution, 
568-70 ; amoeba, 567, 570 ; in 
vagination and gastrula, 570-2 ; 
volvox, 570-2, 573 ; sensitive 
ness of cells, 573-6 ; fission of 
cells, 576 ; conjugation, 578, 
579 ; “ fortuitous ” variations, 
Spencer, Lord : on aims of cattle- 
breeder, 142. 
Spider : mimetic colouration of, 
176 ; of white spider, 194. 
Sport : a cause of extinction of 
species, 320. 
Squashes : influence of external 
conditions on, 396. 
Squirrels : discriminative destruc 
tion of the “ most fit ” nut by, 
6 7- . 
Stability of Species : 395. 
Stag : as ancestor of elk, 343, 345-6 
v. also Deer. 
One-horned : an instance of 
abrupt structural modification, 
Stanley, Dean A. P. : on St. 
Paul’s view of relation of animals 
to man, 124. 
Stanley, H. M.: on animal intel 
ligence, 238. 
Stansbury, Capt. (quoted by Mor 
gan) : on co-operation amongst 
pelicans, 95. 
Star-fish : instinct in, 235-6 ; too 
low to possess instinct, 235. 
Starlings : intelligence amongst, 
Stebbing, T. R. D. : on parental 
devotion in wolves, 83-4. 
Stewart, Dugald : on general 
heorems of particular applica 
tions, 157. 
Stiebeling, Dr. (quoted by 
Büchner): on absence of aquatic 
instincts in ducklings, 260. 
“ Stirp ” : 366-7. 
Stoats : colouration of, 187. 
Stockton, Mr. : on “negative 
selection,” 308. 
Structure : a cause of colouration 
of animals, 407. 
“ Struggle for Existence” : amongst 
grouse in presence of falcons, 
63-4 ; amongst birds of prey, 89 ; 
amongst plants, 16-7 ; does not 
bring about even the elimination 
of the least fit, 66 ; sometimes 
leads to destruction of fittest, 67 ; 
its tendency to check independ 
ence of character, 70 ; due to 
absence of co-operation, 77 ; 
includes inter-dependence of in 
dividuals, 98 ; in relation to 
stability of species, 296-7. 
Sir S. W. Baker on, 
22-3 ; Darwin on, 17-9, 43, 76, 
96, 97 ; Kropotkin on, 77-80 ; 
de Lanessan on, amongst plants, 
67-8,96 ; Romanes on, 76, 122-3 > 
Oscar Schmidt on, 76, 77, 102 ; 
Wallace on, 17, 18, 43, 44, 77. 
Stuart, Villiers : on the scara- 
baeus, 275. 
Stylonichia : conjugation in, 479- 
Suckling : evolution of instinct of, 
in young marsupials, 239-40. 
Sun-dew : sensitive faculties of, 
Survival of the Fittest : amongst 
plants, 61 ; antelopes, 63 ; scarlet- 
runners, 33-4, 139-40; pears, 141; 
arctic fauna, 190; protophytes, 
569 ; men, 582. 
Cope on, 14 ; Darwin 
on > 2 3> 33-4> 145 5 Fiske on, 63 ; 
Henslow on, 61 ; Kropotkin on, 
54-5 ; St. Clair on, 443 ; Herbert 
Spencer on, 14, 565, 569, 582 ; 
Wallace on, 14-5, 18-9, 43, 67, 74, 
1 9°, 479— v - also Degeneration, 
Natural Selection. 
Sweet briar, Imported : in Aus 
tralia, 51. 
Swinburne, A. C. : The Sisters 
quoted, 75. 
Swine, Wild : co-operation amongst, 
Syme, David : on vegetable “ in 
telligence,” 286 ; on movement 
of vegetable life, 287. 
Symmetry : v. Variation, Corre 

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