Full text: Nature versus natural selection

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principal agent of Organic Evolution. The object of this 
work is to show that Natural Selection, tints defined, 
has no place in the world of nature; that if it did exist, 
other factors of evolution would anticipate its action in 
the transmutation of species now going on ; and last, but 
not least, that we have no definite proof of its action in 
the early stages of Organic Evolution. 
In the third place it may be remarked that this dis 
cussion is simply confined to the endeavour to discover 
what the actual order of nature is. That should be the 
object of every one who seeks to discover the truth, 
whether he be a scientific man or a theologian. Whatever 
order is proved to exist, must be accepted by the scien 
tific man as the system of nature, and beyond that point 
physical science cannot go. But the theologian is left at 
liberty to give his reasons for believing that this order of 
nature is the method of God. Hence it is most desirable, 
in a work like this, to avoid as far as possible all argument 
based on theological considerations. The stage at which 
the discussion of this question has now arrived, justifies us 
in doing so; although, even now, we have to deal sometimes 
with objections which arose when the debate was largely 
dominated by theological considerations. 
It is often said, or implied, that a man who is not a 
scientific expert has no right to venture into the regions of 
biological controversy, and he is sometimes characterised 
as “ a more or less acute paper philosopher.” I venture to 
think that such a man, if he be only acute enough, may 
still have his role in the world of science. With the 
exception of a few universal geniuses who are ready to 
discuss, and express authoritative opinions on, all possible 
topics, the necessity of a subdivision of labour has been 
felt in the scientific world no less than in the economical 

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