Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The Military Geographical Institute developes the fundamen 
tal geodetical work and the topographical sutuey of the Argentine 
Republic territory according to what it is established in the 12.696 
Law, “The Chart Law”, using in an intensive way, the photogra- 
metry as a basic element of its topocartographic works and 
preferably employing, the combined methods for flat zones and 
for montainous zones the photogrametical. 
Since 1909, when the first incurtions were initiated by the 
Military Geographical Institute in the photogrametric field, it has 
been cur constant preoccupation to give an according material 
and instrumental with the tecnichal advances, in its natural 
development which has been impressed during this period of time. 
To this effect we have recently adquiriered two modern stereo 
plotters and a super wide angle camera being in course of process 
the adquisition of two new stereoplotter, an instrument for ana 
logical aero triangulation and two electronic equipments for 
distance indirect measurement, the latter are appointed to the 
photogrametric support tasks. 
The incorporation of the “I.B.M.” 1620 electronic computer to 
the Military Geographical Institute instrumental, has faced the 
gradual transformation of the actual proceedings of aero trian 
gulation to pass from the numerical analogous to the analytical, 
with the help of a precision stereocomparator. 
It has been held and are still developing courses of intensive 
preparation for technichal personnel according to the elaboration 
of programs of various problems to be done in the electronic 
Apart from chart manufacture work, we colaborate with the 
different national, provintial and municipality offices of cur 
COlintry. , £.■&! 
Finally, the progress reached by the different works done 
during the lapse between the previous and actual information, 
wil be found concretedly in the present report. 
Buenos Aires, September 1964. 
Director of the Military Geographical Institute 
Argentine Republic

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