Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Though photogrammetry in its present form is a comparatively young science, phenomenal 
progress has been made in photogrammetry during the last decade with promises of further progress 
in future. Pliotogrammetric survey has been applied for many purposes. The precision obtainable 
with high precision photogrammetric instruments has been found adequate for all types of surveys 
except for cadastral survey in the centres of congested built-up areas of high value. 
From the above account it will be apparent that we in India have carried out a great variety 
of topographical surveys in the department and for the development projects during the last four 
years. During the period under report, we have made appreciable progress in all the branches of 
training, production and research in photogrammetry. 
M.P.—P.O.—J.S. 377-14-8-64—2,000

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