Full text: National reports (Part 2)

photogrammetric mapping for cadastral re-survey and for the reallotment projects. The 
character of the production of KLM Aerocarto is still the same. Its service at Airport 
Schiphol produces in its photographic section all air photographs needed by the three 
photogrammetric productive organizations in the Netherlands. Its mapping section at Delft 
produces large and small scale maps and photomosaics commissioned by national and 
foreign institutes and services. 
Regarding the housing of the services, it may be mentioned that the Cartographic branch 
of KLM Aerocarto will leave its building at Delft which has until now been rented from 
ITC, because this institute, owing to increasing activities, needs this building for its own use. 
Table 1 indicates the photography carried out for mapping between 1960 and 1964. 
KLM Aerocarto is still the only organization in the Netherlands for the production of 
In a small country it is to the advantage of the national economy to use only one central 
organization, whether private or government, which, through concentration of orders, can 
keep its photographic material up to date. In addition to the five different Wild cameras 
already mentioned in the 1960 report, KLM Aerocarto uses the following new equipment 
and material since 1960: 
Wild RC8 camera; 
Wild RC9 camera (super wide angle with the Super Aviogon lens/5.6; 
the Vinten spotting camera (70 mm reconnaissance camera) complete with the Hansen 
development apparatus (the “Oude Delft” patent); 
the Aeroflex stabilized platform, type T 28-A; 
Cintel Electronic Photographic Printers; 
Kodak Ektachrome Aero Color Film; 
Zero reader to the C-2 compass system for Dakota DC3 Survey airplanes. 
Regarding the use of this material the following remarks can be made. 
The Vinten camera has been used in connection with the airborne profile recorder in 
order to get more information about the height differences of the terrain between two 
successive pictures of the normal air survey camera. 
The Kodak Ektachrome Aero colour him gives excellent results for interpretation pur 
poses. The exposure time is rather critical, especially over flat, monotonous terrain, but 
this is also true for all other reversal colour films. 
Regarding the use of the Aeroflex stabilized platform, so far no computation has been 
carried out to express the stability of this important auxiliary piece of equipment in one 
figure. The general impression, however, has been that the results are satisfactory and in 
accordance with the expectations, although there are always rough deviations from time 
to time. 
By using the zero reader in the cockpit of survey airplanes, the straight line and level 
flying of the aircraft is improved. 
We will stress in this report again that good aerial photography fulfilling the requirements 
of perfect navigational coverage, of optimum image quality and of geometrical accuracy, is 
a prerequisite for photogrammetric economy. We must admit, however, that in many cases 
these conditions are not fulfilled and that even OEEPE test fields have suffered in this respect.

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