Full text: National reports (Part 2)

This ingenious method, which is a very special and simple kind of photogrammetry proved 
to be highly satisfactory and is at present in regular use. It is described by J. C. de Munck 
[75]. Furthermore it can be mentioned that the Testing Commission of the Army uses 
Wild ballistic cameras for the calibration of guns as a normal routine. A new pair of 
synchronic shutters was developed. The Medical Faculty of Leiden University contacted 
Ir. H. C. Zorn of the ITC about the restitution of stereoscopic photographs of embryos. 
After many efforts the photographs have not yet been restituted, although the prospects 
look promising at the present stage. 
The department of archeology of the same university uses, after suggestions of ITC’s 
Ir. Zorn, a stand for vertical photography from heights of about 5 m. These photographs 
can be rectified for mosaic compilation or observed and plotted stereoscopically. 
Regarding dictionary and terminology nothing was undertaken in the Netherlands after 
the publishing firm of Argus (now Zwarteweg 1 in The Hague) had presented to the photo- 
grammetric world in 1961 all six volumes (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, 
Polish and Swedish) of the dictionary. Unfortunately we do not have the impression that 
the list of definitions which was suggested in our 1960-report has progressed very much, 
at least has not been brought in relation to the existing dictionary. There exists for instance 
an older Dutch list of definitions and one in the American Manual of Photogrammetry, 
but both are isolated from the dictionary. 
Regarding standardization, the decision of the London Congress to use a right-handed 
coordinate system with the Z-axis up, was generally accepted and applied to Netherlands 
publications, specially in those of the ITC. In this respect we are obliged to withdraw the 
announcement, made in the 1960-report, about the publication of an ITC Textbook of 
Photogrammetry in six volumes by the Argus Company. One important consideration was 
that the first edition of such a textbook will last so many years that it would be out of date 
during the later part of this period. Another consideration was the future publication of a 
greatly improved third edition of the American Manual of Photogrammetry. Therefore 
ITC has changed the project and publishes now in ten volumes of between three and 
six numbers of 50-80 pages in offset in 500 copies. The five volumes dealing with photo 
grammetry correspond to the chapters published in the ITC Prospectus of Branch A. 
The other five volumes treat subjects of Branch B (photo-interpretation). These are used 
as textbooks in the ITC-courses and are also available to the public. All volumes will be 
published in English and French. An organisation, having the intention to cooperate with 
the ITC is allowed to translate the English version into Spanish. At present eight English 
and nine French numbers are available. Numbers and subjects are published with ITC 
Information “ITC tools for education” to be distributed at the Lisbon Congress. This 
covers also the titles of the ITC Publication series of which 25 (out of 32) of series A (Photo 
grammetry) and 18 (out of 23) of series B (Natural Resources and Photo-interpretation) 
are not yet out of print. 
Considerable progress was made, specially during 1964, with the publication of the 
ITC International Bibliography of photogrammetry and photo-interpretation. After the publication 
of the first four series of 500 titles each, it was decided in 1964 to separate the photogram-

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