Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Ackermann, F. 
Boer, Th. A. de 
Boon, D. A. 
Brzesowsky, W. J. 
Buringh, P. 
Corten, F. L. 
[1] Ein Verfahren zur programmgesteuerten Ausgleichung von Trian 
gulationsstreifen, Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 1961, Heft 4. 
A procedure for analytical strip adjustment, ITC Publication, A 17, 
[2] Zur Streifenausgleichung mit Polynomen Höheren Grades, Bildmes 
sung und Luftbildwesen, 1963, Heft 1. 
On strip adjustment with polynomials of higher degree, Photogram- 
metria, XVIII, 1961-1962, no. 4. 
[3] Ein Beispiel zur Vernachlässigung von Korrelationen bei der Aus 
gleichung von bedingten Beobachtungen, Zeitschrift für Vermessungs 
wesen, 88. Jahrg., 1963, Heft 5. 
[4] Analytische Photogrammetrie, Chapter 10 in K. Schidefsky, Grund 
riss der Photogrammetrie, B.G. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1963, 
P. 286-315. 
[5] Zur „Entkrümmung” von Stereomodellen und Triangulationsstreifen, 
Bildmessung und Luftbildwesen, 1963, Heft 2. 
[6] The Northern Rhodesia Analytical Triangulation Test, ITC Publica 
tion A 19/20, 1963. 
[7] Uber Matrizen Strukturen bei Blockausgleichungen, Photogramme- 
tria, XIX, 1962-1964, no. 1 and 2. 
[8] Die heutige Lage in der analytischen Photogrammetrie, Bildmessung 
und Luftbildwesen, Sonderheft Dr. Messter, 1963. 
[9] Development of strip- and block-adjustment during 1960-1964, invited 
paper, Commission III, Bulletin no. 14 de la Soc. Française de Photo 
[10] Fehlertheoretische Untersuchungen über die Genauigkeit photogram 
metrischer Streifentriangulationen, Ph.D Thesis, to be published 
before the Congress by the „Deutsche Geodätische Kommission”. 
[11] Met Pons, L. J., Bodem en grasland in de Vijfherenlanden. Verslagen 
van Landbouwkundige onderzoekingen, no. 66.6 1960. 
[12] Results of forest type mapping in Switzerland. ITC-Publ. B 4, 1960. 
[13] The evaluation of grouping tendency of three species in tropical rain 
forest. ITC Information, 2, 1961. 
[14] Die Verwendung des Luftbildes zur Kartierung von Tropenwäldern. 
Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift, 1962. 
[15] Plot size and variability, ITC-Publ. B. 17, 1962. 
[16] Application of aerial photographs to general Forest Survey Schemes 
in tropical regions. UN. Conf., appl. sc. techn. less dev. areas, Geneva 
1963 (E Conf. 39/C 198). 
[17] General information on photo-interpretation in forestry. ITC Text 
book of photo-interpretation. Ch. 3BcIa, 1964. 
[18] Elementary statistics. ITC Textbook of photo-interpretation, Ch. Xa, 
[19] Podsolic and hydromorphic soils on a coastal plain in the Cameroun 
Republic. Neth. Journ. Agric. Sei. 10, pp. 146-153, 1962. 
[20] Statistical studies in detailed soil mapping: an aid in predicting the 
suitability of soils for crops by means of airphoto analysis. Neth. Journ. 
Agric. Sei. 11, pp. 341-350, 1963. 
[21 ] The application of aerial photographs for soil surveys in development 
projects. Transactions symposium on photo-interpretation, Delft, 
1962. pp. 136-142. 
[22] Photo-interpretation in the ITC soil section. ITC-Publ. B. 2, 1960. 
[23] Rational planning and execution of aerial photography. Transactions 
symp. on photo-interpretation, Delft 1962, pp. 136-142. 
[24] I.T.C. Survey Flight Slide Rule. ITC-Publ. A.30, B.23.

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