Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Roelofs, R. 
Roos, P. A. 
Sabet, A. H. 
Sprenger, C. 
Spitzer, M. 
Stellingwerf, D. A. 
[85] Statistical use of non-rectified aerial photographs of flat terrain. 
Phot’a 1960-61, No. 2, pp. 69-82. 
[86] Modelleinpassung durch pseudo-affin transformation. B. u. L., 1962 
[87] Signalisation experiment “Gendringen”. K. en L., 1962, pp. 160). 
[88] An example of photo-interpretation of crystalline rocks. ITC-Publ. 
B 14/15, 1962. 
[89] Theoretische grondslagen der optisch-mechanische ontschranking. 
Geodesia 1962 (4). 
[90] Experiences with aerial photographs in the study of castles. Transac 
tions symposium on photo-interpretation, Delft 1962, pp. 425-429. 
[91] Scientific results London Congress 1960. ITC-Publ. A 12. 
[92] Luchtkartering vandaag en morgen. Verslagen Kon. Nederl. Akad. 
v. Wetenschappen, afd. Natuurk. 69, No. 6, 1960. 
[93] History and development of aerial triangulation. Boll, di Geod. e Sc. 
aff., Ott. 1960, pp. 713-736. 
[94] Impressions of the 1960 London Congress of the Int. Soc. for Phot’y, 
Phot’a 1960—’61, No. 2. 
[95] De betekenis van luchtkartering voor de huidige wereldontwikkeling. 
Verslagen Kon. Nederl. Akademie v. Wetenschappen, afd. Natuur- 
kunde 70, No. 5, 1961. 
[96] Planning in modern aerial survey. Phot’a 1960—’61 (1). 
[97] Instrumenten voor fotogrammetrische kartering. Lustrumboek Land- 
meetk. Gezelschap „Snellius”, Delft 1960. 
[98] The present position of analytical photogrammetry. Proc. third U.N. 
Reg. Carth. Conf. Bangkok 1961 (E/Conf. 36/L 28). 
[99] UN. Regional Carthographic Conference for Asia and the Far East. 
Phot’a 1961—’62, No. 2. 
[100] Viewed from the air: The uses of Aerial Photography. Delta. Summer 
1962 (pp. 5-21). 
[101] Mapping and Surveying Practices adapted to use in less developed 
areas. UN. Conf. appl. Sc. techn. less dev. areas. Geneva 1963 (E conf. 
39/A 34). 
[102] Organisation of carthographic services in developing countries. UN. 
Conf. on appl. Sc. techn. less dev. areas. Geneva 1963 (E conf. 39/ 
A 85). 
[103] Specialized training as a means of accelerating the formation of 
scientific and technological executives, including teaching staff UN. 
Conf. appl. Sc. techn. less dev. areas. Geneva 1963 (E conf. 39/K 8). 
[104] Problems about education and training of aerial survey staff from 
overseas. Proc. Conference of Commonwealth survey officers. Cam 
bridge 1963 (paper No. 19). 
[105] Die Entwicklungsrichtung in der Photogrammetrie. Vortrag Buda 
pest 1963. Geodézia és Kartografia, Budapest 1964, No. 2 (translated). 
[106] Die Bedeutung der frühen Versuche Otto von Grubens für die Praxis 
der aerotriangulation. B. u. L. 1964 (S. 44-60). 
[107] In memoriam Dr. h. c. Umberto Nistri, Prof. Dr. Richard Finster- 
walder, Mohammed Ebrahimi. Phot’a 1961—’62 (2) and 1962-’64 (2). 
[108] Ein Gruss an Dr. E. O. Messter aus dem Ausland. B. u. L., Sonder 
heft 1963. 
[109] Analogue classical photogrammetric instruments Phot’a 1962-’64 (4). 
[110] Ch. XIV Universal and precision plotting instruments. Third Edition 
Manual of Photogrammetry. Am. Soc. of Photogrammetry. 
[111] Luchtfotografie en luchtfotonavigatie. Geodesia 1961 (11). 
[112] An experiment with “I.T.C.-Jerie Height Adjustment”. ITC-Publ. 
A 13, 1962. 
[113] A forestry photo-interpretation. 1960. ITC-Publ. B 8, 1960. 
[114] with M. G. Yearsley, Forest maps from air photographs. ITC- 
Information, No. 1, 1961. 
[115] Holzmassenbestimmung von Pinussilvestris auf Luftbildern in den 
Niederlanden. Allgemeine Forstzeitschrift, Sondernummer: Forst 
liche Photogrammetrie und Luftbildauswertung, B. 1089 C, 17 Jg., 
Nr 1/2, Jan. 1962.

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