Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Appendix 2 
List of Photogrammetric Publications during the period 1960—1963. 
Aldman, B. and Sigmark, E.: Photogrammetric method for determination of 
short-time decelerations. — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 1960: 3. 
Bergstrom, E.: Some experiences of mapping surficial deposits in northern Swe 
den by means of air photo interpretation. — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 
1960: 3. 
Boos, T.: Nagot om kartor (Something about maps). — Svenska Brandkarernas 
Ericsson, H.: Concerning accuracy in measuring tree and stand heights. — 
Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 1960 : 3. 
Fagerholm, P.-O. and Thunberg, A.: Precision aerial photogrammetry from 
very low altitude. — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 1960:3. 
Fagerholm, P.-O.: Testing of stereo vision quality. — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 
1960: 3. 
Sweden 1956—1960. National report to the 9th Int. Congress of Photo 
grammetry. — Int. Archives of Photogram., Vol. XIII. 
Hallert, B.: Determination of the accuracy of a stereocomparator and the solution 
of normal equations by the Cholesky-Rubin method. — Int. Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol. XIII. 
Kvalitetsfragor vid fotogrammetrisk kartlaggning for fastighetsbildning. 
(Questions of quality in photogrammetric mapping for reallotment pur 
poses.) — Norsk Tidskrift for Jordskifte og Landmaling, 1960: 1. 
Preliminary report on standardization of expressions for accuracy in pho 
togrammetry. — Photogrammetria, 1959—1960:3. 
About the character of errors in spatial aerial-triangulation. — Photogram 
metry Eng. 1960: 2. 
Determination of the interior orientation of cameras for non-topographic 
photogrammetry, microscopes, X-ray instruments and television images. — 
Photogram. Eng. 1960:5. 
Determination of the flatness of a surface in comparison with a control 
plane. — The Photogram. Record 1960: 15. 
Camera calibration. — The Photogram. Record 1960: 16. 
Institutionen for fotogrammetri. (The Division of Photogrammetry at the 
R. Institute of Technology, Stockholm.) — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 
Results of practical investigations into accuracy of aerial and terrestrial 
photographs. — Svensk Lantmateritidskrift 1960: 3. 
Fotomatningar i trafikovervakningens tjanst. (Photogrammetry in traffic 
control.) — Teknisk Tidskrift 1960:13. 
Investigations into the accuracy of various methods of photogrammetric 
triangulation. — Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolans Handlingar nr 162. 
Photogrammetrische Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen mit Hilfe von Vertikal- 
parallaxenmessungen. — Vermessungsinformationen 1960 : 9.

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