Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Weiander, E.: Contrast transfer functions in aerial photography. — Int. Archives 
of Photogram., Vol. XIII. 
Öhlin, K. A.: Accuracy in multilated stereo-models. — Int. Archives of Photo 
gram., Vol. XIII. 
Galvenius, G.: Metod for numerisk modelltriangulering i block. (A method for 
numerical blocktriangulation with separate models.) — Fotogrammetriska 
Meddelanden, Vol. IV, No 1. 
Hallert, B.: Investigations of the weights of image coordinates in aerial photo 
graphs. — Photogram. Eng. 1961: 4, Sept. 
Weitere Untersuchungen über die Gewichtsverteilung der Bildkoordinaten 
in photographischen Messbildern. — Zeitschr. f. Venn.wesen, 1961: 10. 
Jonsson, Ä.: On the accuracy of stereo-plotting of convergent aerial photographs. 
— Photogrammetria 1960—1961: 3. 
Nämnden för skoglig fotogrammetri: Ärsberättelse for ár 1961 over verksam- 
heten inom nämnden för skoglig fotogrammetri. (The Comittee of Forest 
Photogrammetry—year report.) 
Sigmark, E.: Analytical photogrammetry, especially the solution of the relative 
orientation. — Fotogrammetriska meddelanden IV 12. 
Stridsberg, E., Ericson, H. and Sk'árby, R.: Skoglig arealplanering i södra Sve 
rige, ett exempel frán Boxholms AB. (Planning of forest areas.) — SST 
nr 4 1961. 
Ternryd, C.-O.: Photogrammetrie und elektronische Datenverarbeitung im 
Dienste der Strassenprojektierung in Schweden: Strasse und Verkehr nr 
7 1961. 
Thorén, R.: Rapport över deltagande i IX internationella kongressen i foto 
grammetri i London 1960, och i samband därmed avlagda studiebesök. 
(ISP-Congress 1960-report). — FOA 3 — Rapport A 474, januari 1961. 
Axelson, H., and Moller, S. G.: Studier over mòjligheterna att bestamma nâgra 
skogliga faktorer med hjàlp av màtning i flygbilder. (Studies on the 
possibility of determination of some forest factors with photogrammetry.) 
Norrlands skogsvârdsforbunds tidskrift nr 4/1962. 
Hallert, B.: Practical tests of the theoretical accuracy of aerial triangulation. 
GIMRADA Research Note No 1. 33 s. 
Determination of the geometrical quality of comparators for image coor 
dinate measurements. GIMRADA Research Note No. 3 95 s. 
Investigations of basic geometric quality of aerial photographs and some 
related problems. — GIMRADA Research Note No. 4, 85 s. 
Tests of basic geometrical qualities of photogrammetric plotting instru 
ments. — GIMRADA Research Note No. 5.

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