Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Investigations of the geometrical of the relative and absolute orientation 
procedures and the final results of the photogrammetric procedures. — 
GIMRADA Research Note No. 6. 
Some relations between the geometric quality of topographic mapping and 
aerial photography. — GIMRADA Research Note No. 7. 
Application of the method of Least squares to theoretical and practical 
investigations of fundamental geometrical data and relations for measure 
ments, primarily topographic mapping, with the aid of photographs. — 
Final Report (DA-91-S91-EUC-1927), US Dept of Army. 32 s. 
Practical tests of the theoretical accuracy of aerial triangulation. — 
Photogr. Engineering, 1962:5, Nov. 10 s. 
The theory of the method of least squares. — The photogrammetric Record, 
1962, Okt. 2 s. 
Photogrammetry and culture history. — The Cosmos Club. Washington 
DC. Febr. 1962. Stencilerad. 
Hodman, P.: En modell for anvandning av flygbilder i skogsbruket. (Aerial 
photographs in forestry.) — Namnden for skoglig fotogrammetri, Informa 
tion nr 18. 
Jeansson, N. R.: De fossila akrarna i Kungsmarken. (Fossil fields), »Kungs- 
marken», festskrift till Lunds akad. golfkl. 25-arsjub. Lund 1962. 
Kaasila, P.: Zur Justierung von X-Schiefe und Breitenfehler in den Autographen 
A 7 und A 8. — Photogrammetria 1961—1962 Nr 3. 9 s. 
Lindskog, L.: Flygbilder forenklar markbyten. — Skogen nr 2/1962. 
Moiler, S. G.: The determination of forest elements with the aid of photographic 
interpretation at photogrammetric mapping for the reallotment of forest. 
— Specialrapport till International Federation of Surveyors. — Com. Ill 
— vid 1962 ars internationella lantmatarkongress i Wien. 
Flygbildteknik — en koncentrerad oversikt. (Technic of aerial pictures.) 
— Svensk Lantmateritidskrift nr 5/1962. 
Databehandling, sarskilt inom lantmateriet. (Data processing in the Land 
Survey Organisation.) Svensk Lantmateritidskrift nr 5/1962. 
Namnden for skoglig fotogrammetri: Arsberattelse for 1961. (The Committee of 
Forest Photogrammetry—year report.) Information nr 17. 
Rastnusson, G.: Sandstorm effects on arable land as seen from air photos. — 
Lund stud, in Geogr. Ser. C, nr 3. 
Granite quarrying and the landscape. — Svensk geogr. arsb. arg. 38, 
Komparativa flygbildsanalyser for studium av exogena processer. — Ibid. 
Svensson, H.: Ett monster i marken. (A pattern on the ground.) — Svensk 
geogr. arsbok, arg. 38, 1962. 
Note on a type of patterned ground on the Varanger peninsula, Norway. 
— Geogr. Ann. Vol. XLIV, H 3—4. 
Soderstrom, VErfarenheter av fortsatta forsok att utfora skogsbruksplaner med 
hjalp av flygbilder. Forsok till summarisk snabbuppskattning av skogs- 
vardsbehovet med hjalp av flygbilder. (An attempt to plan forest cultivation 

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