Full text: National reports (Part 2)

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provide a basis for an economic review and reconstruction of the region affected 
country. In 
by the earthquakes, and for a total of more than 120,000 square kilometers in the 
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central area of the country. 
up the Project 
In 1960 the southern portion of Chile suffered several severe earthquakes 
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which caused substantial damage in many of its major southern cities. The 
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Organization of American States, employing emergency funds which had been supplied 
by its member nations, sent a mission to Chile to review the earthquake disaster 
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problems and to recommend a program for a planned rehabilitation and redevelopment 
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of the affected areas. 
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The OAS Mission recognized the immediate need for the relief of the major 
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cities damaged by the earthquakes and tsunamis that followed. They recommended 
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first the preparation of large scale topographic maps and geological investiga 
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tions to provide the essential tools for planning the urgently needed reconstruc 
work requires 
tion of buildings, utilities and major public works. In addition, a broader 
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program was proposed for an inventory of natural resources to provide current data 
>urce inventory 
for the economic development of the entire region affected by the earthquakes. 
Lie was 
The first phase of the program provided for the obtaining of aerial photo 
graphs at a scale of 1:50,000 of the entire region; photographs at a scale of 
American States 
1:10,000 for the major damaged cities to be used in the preparation of 1:2,000 
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topographic maps; and the commencement of a program to provide mosaics at a scale 
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of 1:20,000 for the region. 
3 of Los Angeles; 
Later the Government of Chile initiated the second phase of the program. 
irvey Corporation 
This consisted of a property inventory program to define and delineate on the 
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1:20,000 mosaics the boundaries and ownership of more than 170,000 properties 
the Government 
within the region. In addition, a review was made to determine, classify, and 
construction and 
show on an overlay to the mosaics the present land use of all the area included 
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in the Project. Aerial photographs at a scale of 1:20,000 were obtained in the 
basic agricultural and populated areas in the region. 
The aerial photographs were used to conduct detailed photo-interpretation 
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studies for the land use work. They also served as a medium for plotting property 
these objectives the project provided a broad inventory of natural resources to

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