Full text: National reports (Part 2)

and measured dominate trees at regular intervals along the strips. 
Height/age curves were drawn for trees in 32 different soils, and indexes of 
capability were established for the various agricultural soils. 
This phase of the work entailed locating, naming and mapping of this complex 
irrigation system that had grown out of the unorganized efforts of farm owners to 
provide their own canals from rivers. 
The Project accomplished this work through a combination of photo interpreta 
tion and field observation. The results are fully annotated on the 1:20,000 
mosaics; more than 10,000 canals were mapped. 
Using information obtained from various government and private sources, a 
summary and analysis were made to indicate the quantity of water available for 
irrigation in the nine major river basins of the country. 
The Project confined its studies to the months of the irrigation season, and 
developed flow probability curves for the time of year when irrigation is 
necessary in each area. 
Detailed “Water Availability' 1 reports were prepared. River basin maps for 
the principal rivers were compiled to show the location and date of record of all 
first order gauging stations and data gathering sources. 
The Project gathered basic data and made meteorological and climatological 
studies because of the importance of these factors in determining agricultural 
land use capability. 
The studies were aimed at compilation and presentation of information con 
cerning the location of precipation gauging stations, the determination of annual 
isohyets (lines connecting places having equal rainfall), the determination of 
agricultural zones, periods of vegetation growth and seasons of the year for each 
zone and the mapping of climate, agricultural and geographic zones, and the 
necessity of irrigation.

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