Full text: National reports (Part 2)

The information was presented as an overlay to a composite map of the entire 
area at a scale of 1:250,000. 
Economic Studies 
The purpose of this phase of the work was to establish a national index of 
market values of agricultural lands within the Project area, based upon its 
relative production potential, and to prepare tables showing the distances to 
commercial centers and tables illustrating the type, extent and condition of 
transportation networks x^ithin localized areas. 
Basic data was gathered through field investigations and the interpretation 
of existing information. The notes and observations of personnel assigned to the 
various other studies were of great value in the preparation of the final report. 
Land Use Capability 
To produce the final map of land capability, the Project integrated the 
results of the various mapping and field investigations which have been described 
A legend composed of seven major classifications of land capability was 
established. Detailed sub-categories were set up to provide an orderly classifi 
cation of virtually all conditions that occurred in the Project area. 
The assignment of the Land Capability Classifications and the delineation 
of the boundaries onto the 1:20,000 mosaic sheets was accomplished after a com 
plete review and study of all factors affecting each area. Since the Land 
Capability Classifications are a vital part of the Chilean agricultural tax system 
only the most experienced personnel were assigned to this important task. Figure 
5 shows two Roman numeral classifications of land use capability: Xllr soils have 
severe limitations that reduce the choice of plants or require special conservation 
practices or both; r, indicates the soil is irrigated; VI soils have severe limita 
tions that make them generally unsuited for cultivation and limit their use large 
ly to pasture or range, woodland, or wildlife food and cover. 
As noted in the description of the various phases of the work, final results 
were compiled as overlays or directly drafted onto the 1:20,000 mosaics. Thus,

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