Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

monitor and control of the functions and operations of the following com 
ponents of the Photographic Equipment Group: 
a. Prime Mapping Camera and associated mount 
b. Alternate Prime Mapping Camera and associated mount 
c. Panoramic Camera and associated mount ^ 
d. Photographer 1 s Viewfinder 
e. Inter valometer 
f. Character.data generator 
The Photographer's Console can also monitor, control and/or facili 
tate the following: 
a. Equipment power and malfunctions indicators 
b. Aircraft intercommunications 
c. Operator oxygen supply 
d. Inter-AN/USQ-28 subsystem signals and displays 
e. Viewfinder Door 
f. Camera Vacuum Pump 
g. Camera window defogging mechanism 
h. Camera compartment temperature control 
The Prime and Alternate Prime Mapping Dual Camera and Mount Con 
trol Panel provides individual and independent ON-OFF power control, 
protection and condition display of the Prime Mapping Camera, Prime 
Mapping Camera Mount, Alternate Prime Mapping Camera and Alter 
nate Prime Mapping Camera Mount. It also provides individual oper 
ational controls and condition displays of mount caging mechanisms. 
A numeric display automatically indicates the total number of frames 
(pictures) remaining;- the device can be reset when desired. ¿m 
The Photographer's Viewfinder provides the chief photographer 
with a view of the terrain such that he may determine drift, image 
rate, and cloud obscuration of terrain. The presentation to the oper 
ator is of the field lens type and is integrated within the Photographer's 
console. The structure, however, is supported independently so that 
the console does not impose any forces upon the viewfinder tube. The * 
primary specifications for the viewfinder are listed below in Table V. 

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