Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

exposure stations) to 15 feet. The same data are used as listed under 
the controlled photo unit. The orientation of the individual frames as 
they influence a far off-axis landmark are utilized as a group, differing 
from the individual positioning of the frames for the photo mapping 
mission. Under flight conditions which provide reasonable geometric 
strength to the SHIRAN measurements, it is expected that control point 
surveying error will be down within the range of the resolution of the 
system with respect to the location of the SHIRAN ground stations. 
f. Aerial Geodetic Surveying. 
The function of the respective mission is to precisely 
determine the distance between pairs of ground stations. These dis 
tances are combined to establish a trilateration network which provides 
the accurate geodetic location of each station. This program unit re 
quires data from two SHIRAN stations, index of refraction data, and 
altitude. In addition, simultaneous data from three or four SHIRAN 
stations can be utilized if the stations are all within range of the air 
craft. Such three and four station measurements significantly reduce 
the time required to adjust an entire net. 
g. Aerial Geodetic Azimuth Determination. 
The long line azimuth determination is made by either of 
two methods. Consequently, two computer program units are required 
One method uses long focal length ballistic cameras; the other uses a 
theodolite. The only input data required by either solution are the 
photographic records and the reduced data from these records. This 
program does not use the magnetic tape input ;of the airborne recorder. 
So much for the detailed technical description of the AN/USQ-28 Map 
ping Survey System, its functions, its components, and its operation. 
A complete flight test of the system is scheduled for July 1965. 
Improvements resulting from these tests will then be incorporated into 
all systems.

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